Tuesday, November 30, 2010

That's My Boy Blue!

He's back! The Blue Heron that likes to chill in the pond behind the house. At least I think its a blue heron, I'm no bird expert. I actually tried to snap a picture of him before he took off because he was in such deep water you couldn't see his legs. But I scared him before I could get a shot of that so I'm left with flying off into the distance. I hope one day I'll have a better camera to take these silly pictures instead of this ancient Canon Powershot.

In other news, my Dad is making go to a Hedge Fund seminar tonight. Everything they'll be talking about tonight will probably be way over my head. If this thing was about index funds, that would be more up my alley. On the upside, I think there will be free hors d'oeurves.

Saturday, November 27, 2010

More Junx

Have another good TSA video to put up. I need to stop posting videos, but I've really been doing nothing worth talking about lately. Lemon. Despite this song being extremely silly, he's on point with the x-ray lyrics.

Thursday, November 25, 2010

Don't Touch My Junk. On Second Though..

I didn't know about all this new TSA security business. I'm pretty sure I don't want to walk into a scanner that throws a bunch of x-rays at your body. On the other hand, the alternative doesn't seem much better, until I saw this video.

Wednesday, November 24, 2010


Probably something you shouldn't watch if you're depressed.

In other news, I just ate some turkey liver for lunch. It was a little too in tense, would have been better fried with some onions.

Tuesday, November 23, 2010


I had my gps stolen from my car the day after Halloween. What is up with that? I thought Mischief Night was the night before Halloween. If there is one thing that really boils my blood, its when something is stolen from me. I've had my stuff taken before but this time it really bothered me. Probably because my car was in the driveway of my parents' house, located in a gated community. My gps (Garmin Nuvi 765T) was not even on my windshield, it was tucked away in the armrest. I usually lock my car but must have forgotten since my key remote battery was dead at the time. Ugh. That gps and I have been through a lot together, on the motorcycle and in the car.

I have been looking for a replacement but I can't find anything I want. My gps had an audio jack out, multi-point routing, bluetooth, powered mount, lane assist, and a couple other features that apparently are not all included in the newer models. I was thinking about just purchasing the 765T but because it is discontinued its overpriced for a new one and to save some money the only other option is to buy it refurbished. Not too crazy about that, but hopefully Garmin's 2360LMT will have good enough reviews when it is available that I will be able to overlook the missing features from the 756T.