So, before we headed out my mom had to make us one final meal which consisted of eggs, bacon, and sausage.
While on the road my dad said he wanted to pull over to stretch his legs and grab a drink. For a change he could hear me perfectly through his headset and CB radio. While we taking a break another biker stopped for a smoke behind us. My dad being the 'social-biker' type went over to say hello tell the guy all about hour trip to San Francisco by taking route 30. My dad then asked the biker, Mark, where he was headed. He told us he was headed to Pittsburgh to meet a girl he met on the internet...
It took a lot for me not to bust out laughing because he just looked ridiculous in dirty jeans, t-shirt with a pocket, long hair, beard, and crooked. Mark then told us that hopefully this girl will be better than the last one he met on the it keeps getting better. He then went on about how this girl sells metric bikes and sue to sell harley bikes and hasn't been on the back of a bike for 20 years...More information than i needed to know, a lot more. Seemed like he really just wanted a girl to sit on the back of his bike and nothing more. Whatever floats your boat.
Took the first gas stop a little ways before reaching Pittsburgh. i still haven't found out what the deal is with my gas tank. It doesn't have your typical fuel gauge, its just five bars that run in a semicircle so i really don't know how much fuel i really have. Sometimes i'll get 35 miles before the first fuel bar disappears and other times it disappears after 7 miles....
i decided to bring a riding buddy, Babo. i wasn't quite sure if i wanted to bring him or not because i was kind of limited on space but i just couldn't leave him behind. i strapped him to the back with a cargo net and even gave him a camelbak incase he got thristy. Who needs a girl when i got Babo.