Sunday, August 3, 2008

Feast Little Spider

So i've mentioned my fly problem. Well they're in the basement now. i was too lazy to go up stairs to get the fly swatter so i had to be a little more creative. Can't swat it with my hands because that's just gross and i don't feel like going to the bathroom afterwards to clean my hands because that requires more walking.

Anyway, i noticed there is a spider that has made a web between the window and the screen. i first cracked open the window and then guided the fly down to the opening. The fly was probably like,"cool! a way out". But then when he sees the spider he'll be like,"lemon..".

Sadly i lost track of the fly but i'm sure the spider caught him, at least i hope so. i'm sure the spider doesn't get that much to eat in the windowsill. Don't say i'm weird for feeding the spider, i know you would do the same thing in my posistion. You would right?

In this picture you can kind of see the fly at the top. At the bottom the spider is waiting...

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