This is kind of rich's thing since his parents are the ones that found out about this place and have gone several times. i went last year with a bunch of guys and we stayed in two hotel rooms. This year since it was just rich, graham and i we decided to cut costs and stay at a camp ground where it would just cost us eat 11 bones instead of 40 bones staying in a hotel room.
Our campsite ended up being next to rich's parents trailer. Everything seemed alright until we went to drive stakes into the ground. We were on top of literally solid rock. The stakes would go in about an inch before starting to bend.
Our solution was to use rocks, a lot of rocks. We stuck several rocks in the corners of the tent and the sides. As for the rain fly we used rope and the ties on the rain fly to tie it down to whatever we could. Such as the water line, the electic meter, the picnic table, and giant rocks we had found at the campsite across from us. Turned out really well. This tent wasn't going anywhere.

Last year i remember the buffet being amazing. But for some reason, this year i wasn't a huge fan. The red cabbage sauerkrout was pretty was all mushy and just didn't taste fresh or delicous like i remember from last year. The sausages were pretty weak too. i remember last year having thirds but this year i could only get one plate down. i just wasn't on top of my game. It might have been caused by my late lunch at the diner earlier that day.

Babo was along too. But he didn't have is license on him so he couldn't get into the event to drink.