The last trip to the cottage was mostly fixing up the porch so we didn't spend much time on the crazy vines and weeds that have gotten out of control...but today was the day i'd show them a thing or too. i decided to bring the weed whacker. No way was i just going to use some whimpy garden cutters...
i had a hard time figuring out where to begin because there was so much that had to go. i figured i'd start off small and start with the flower bed, more like weed bed, to get warmed up.
Take that! Okay, it doesn't look that great but i was just getting started!
My mom cleared out one of the walkways last time...
She got the other walkway today and i cleared out the alley and made a new walkway...there are no stones on the ground where i cleared it out so it looks kind of dumb..but maybe next year i'll steal some rocks from the creek and fix it up...who am i kidding i'll never get around that.
Hoooray for walk ways!
i cleared out the vines next to the cottage too! i haven't seen that walk way for like 7 years!
Took out some more vines! They're seriously like steel cable...i had to change out the cord on the weed whacker like every 5 minutes. Here's the front? back? i have no idea what's the front or back....i guess what i call the back is really the front...but i enter the cottage through the back all the i consider it the front...lemon, i have no idea.
i cleared out thise path too! Almost looks like what it did 15 years ago.
Well there you have it. i'm now done with the cottage until next spring. The only reason i'll come up again is to grab my snowboard when the snow comes.
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