Our next buy was a mattress. We stopped by this random shop one our way to check out the fancy hotel down the main road. The first mattress they had was like foam. Really soft and thin. Pretty sure i wouldn't like it after awhile. So we asked for something a little harder. The lady then pulled out this folded mat thing..like it was rock hard. i can't believe anyone would sleep on this thing. Like it was pretty much concrete. We looked around the store some more and found a queen mattress that pretty much looked like a regular mattress and was a little firmer than the first but much softer than the second. i felt like i was in a Goldilocks story or something by this point..anyway, we got it but never got a really good look at the mattress because it was wedge vertically between two other mattresses.
When they delievered teh mattress about an hour later, this was the surpise in my bedroom...
jonathan isn't a fan of the stuff because the black eye peas remind him of prison food...at least that's what he told me.
Grilled fish was on the menu for dinner! Big fat fish from the river! They were still alive when they started cooking them! My cousins first stuck a stick through them so it would be easier to turn them on the newly purchased grills my mom had bought in the morning.
That mattress is HYSTERICAL!
Yummy - black eyed peas -n- rice w/ coconut milk!!!! Um. . . we really need to know what its called.
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