After picking my car from the auto repair shop, I met up with Manthan and his little puppy Cabo. I turns out that Cabo is not a "designer" puppy. He's just a mutt! The pet store called and said that the paper work was messed up and Cabo has a little Beagle in him as well! I don't see it but that would explain why he doesn't look like any other peekapoos.

He is however pretty smart. He's getting better with the whole "doing business" outside rather than inside. He just has to be taken out often.

Got a shot of him prancing towards me.

He tends to get a little hyper and starts growling and biting everything like a maniac. Manthan was a little concerned about that so Michele and him hired a dog trainer to come over that was recommended by a friend. Apparently they worked magic. Taught Cabo five commands in an hour's time!

Good thing too because Michele was making crazy talk about giving him away or something within six months if he didn't start behaving better.

So hopefully Cabo will stick around and I'll be able to come over and not worry about my shoe laces getting eaten.
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