For some reason I agreed to come up with my parents a day before the gathering to spend the night in a modular home located 50 yards from the new barn that was just built this summer. Turns out there is not that much to do in Lancaster, who would have thought. So I was a little bored but it was nice to spend some extra time with the cousin's and meet the newborn.
Spent most of the night watching the Patriots vs. NY Giants game. Too bad the Patriots ended up with a perfect season, the Giants almost had the win but just could not pull it off.
After the game, left the Aunt's house to go to the other house that I would be staying in. Luckily I was at the house earlier and called a cousin Eric was the only one out of six that had to sleep on the couch. Eric and I tried watching a movie, The Goonies...his choice, but Eric fell asleep 10 minutes into it and I then went to my room and tried to watch The Kingdom but it was skipping and ended up just going to bed. Of course it took me forever to fall asleep and I did not sleep very well.
The next day we had some delicious egg casserole for breakfast and the rest of the family arrived around noon. I guess the biggest surprise was that Brent finally cut his hair. He's had dreads for what seems like over a year and got them all cut off thanks to his girl Adrianne. Now he actually looks like a person.

The whole family then got the tour of the new barn. Not a single barn like it in Lancaster. It has four milking robots that clean and milk the cows and there are a whole bunch of computers keeping track of how much milk each cow gives and a whole bunch of other statistics. There was even a poo pushing machine that went up and down the holding pens sliding the cow poop in an opening in the floor to be pumped out into a 'poo pond'. I need to get one of those machines, because when I poop on the just sits there and stinks up the whole place.
It was a pretty neat operation. The cows give milk 10 months out of the year, I don't think my utters could take that much milking...The milking machines have lasers on them to pin point the location of the utters and put the milkers on. I thought it would be fun to walk through the machine to see what would happen...but after hearing that the machine mistaken a cows tail for an utter...I passed, plus there was cow poo and pee everywhere.
It was quite an adventure in the barn. The cows have it good...
hahaha, because when i poop on the floor...
sweet - a candle. at least it will help mask the smell when you poop on the floor. . .
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