Saturday was the big day. Running of the Santas, sponsored by Coors Light. Just an excuse to dress up like santa, drink a lot...and, well...drink some more. The game plan was to wake up at 8am, go to a bar in NJ where it was free beer and food from 9-11am, then pay $10 for a bus ride to philly where the rest of the ridiculousness would take place. Pick up the bracelets at noon...get lunch and hit up the other bars until 6pm where the huge party was in a heated tent with a live band and more drunk people.
Unfortunately between me drinking too much friday night and manthan spraining his ankle really badly friday...we didn't start the party at 9am...more like 2pm. Got some mexican food in us and met up with his friend Kat and her girlfriends at their hotel room. We then headed out to get our bracelets. Because of a little miscommunication, manthan and i went to get our wristbands while kat and her friends went to another bar having a little santa shin dig.
This is when the first lemon occurred, the website said that if you purchased your ticket ahead of time the line would be shorter than the cash line. Of course when we were there, we had to wait 30 minutes in line to get the wristbands while people that paid day of didn't have to wait in line at all. So i paid a $2.80 convenience just to stand in the cold.
Here you can see the fun line...

After finally getting the wristbands, headed over to Finnigan's Wake to get our drink on.

Here is Manthan, Kat, and her friends.

After about an hour and a half at Finnigan's, headed back to Mcfadden's for the party. Now Kat and her friends had to wait in line to get wristbands while manthan and i could go straight in and party it up. There were some pretty ridiculous costumes. An estimated 5,000 fools in crazy christmas costumes. One guy was dressed as a giant dradle, a bunny, some reindeer, elves, scooby-doo in a santa suit, the just goes on.
Of course manthan wanted a picture with the dradle guy.

The Band.

The first porta-potty i used..

The girl in green was being hit on by 40 year olds...

The place was so crowded, getting beer spilled on me the whole time...and getting pushed around constantly.

Here is the tequila girl, she was going down the bar pour shots of tequila down the everyone's throats during the 'tequila' song...of course the song was 30 seconds long and she didn't even get half way down the bar...i wanted some free booze!

Manthan "dancing".

Of course, the girls took over the men's bathroom. Man this gurl is so classy...

Of course guys and relieve themselves anywhere, so thats just what they did. Nothing like peeing up hill in some bushes...


Later in the night, the girl managing the coats looked a little lonely so manthan decided to talk to her. After a few minutes she had to go to the bathroom asking manthan to 'cover' for her. Who does that? Asking someone that doesn't work there to cover for them. I guess she wasn't too crazy about her job. Manthan being the nice guy he was decided to take over. Returned some coats to people and racked two coats for $6. Of course one of the beer girls got word of this and called in some staff and 'bouncers'...manthan got yelled at of course "you can't be here!" that was the second lemon of the night.

Kat's friend that came later that she said was single but wasn't. At least her b/f was cool. I wonder what that guy was looking at in the background...

For some reason i wasn't allowed to dance on the bar...:'(

This is what happens when manthan has my camera, takes random pictures of people he doesn't even know the names of.

Random girl trying to talk a bouncer into letting her dance on the table...or something.

Can't be a called a party until someone gets kicked out of the bar. Manthan managed to get himself kicked out. Tried to make me leave to, but we basically spent 20 bones for cover to be there. Something about shots, paying for them, not paying for them...then finally paying for them, then getting kicked out. But he didn't really get kicked out, just took his wristband, stayed for like another hour afterwards and kept drinking.

I lost count of my drinks after 9 of them...around midnight (i know thats early, but we've been out since 2pm!) we made our way into china town to get some greasy food into our systems. Of course all the places i knew of were closed, and ended up walking into a typical shady chinese restuarant. There was one other party there, with like 15 people having a great discussion about politics while also being drunk. Then a crazy bum would come in every once and awhile and rap for the girls. Something like, "What's you're name? Heather? In Greece it means..." and he would spit rhymes for a couple minutes...i'm sure he raps for all the girls he meets...sad thing was it was kind of good...he probably uses the same lines every time.

manthan not eating his food.

Crazy bum rapper...

Pretty much what my vision was by the time we left to go home.

Of course after our late dinner, while walking home it was raining...We made it back to Kat's hotel room, and of course i'm the one that gets to sleep on the floor. i feel like my liver is failing...won't be drinking for awhile. Well, until Christmas...

1 comment:
i love how you write these detailed captions for the photos and all i see is a see of santas.
man, christmas... that is far away. however will you make it till christmas without drinking?!
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