i believe this outing was Lily's idea and she was nice enough to invite manthan and myself. Since we only had two hours of drinking time i wanted to make sure that we arrived at the bar before or at least at 5pm. Of course that did not happen. i was on time as usual but manthan got caught up in traffic and parked near the art museum so he had a ways to walk to meet me at the train station on 30th and Market.
Once we met up we gave Lily a call, and she was running late as well. manthan and i waited outside the bar for them. We decided to go to Vango. i've never been there before but they say they have a crazy roof top party lounge which would be pretty cool if we could get up there. Lily didn't show up with her girlfriends until 5:45pm...ugh, so much drinking time lost.
Once in the bar we were told the roof top was closed for a private party. Awesome, we then did a 180 back outside and headed to Noche instead. It was a little packed at first but we managed to get a table and manthan and i pounded some beers. The first beer was Victory. With a name like that you think it would be good...but everytime i have it its just awful. We wanted Magic Hat but they were tapping another keg and we didn't want to wait and Victory was the only domestic beer that was not light. Manthan and i managed to get 7 beers in before we left the bar a little after 7pm. Our last beer was not included in the happy hour so that was the full 4 bones for a beer, lemon.
Most of the time at Noche it was just manthan, myself, lily, and like five other girls. Pretty good ratio if you ask me...the only problem was that manthan sat next to me so we looked gay. Thanks manthan.
Did not catch the name of the next bar, but the bouncer for it was huge with some crazy haircut...like a reverse mohawk or something like it. manthan and i didn't say at this bar long, one of lily's friends was pretty ridiculous and the bouncer said she had to leave. She wasn't being loud or anything, she actually wouldn't talk at all but she clearly did not need to have anymore drinks. i'm pretty sure she just need a half hour of walking and sipping water and she would be fine but i'm not dirnking expert...or am i?
Lily got a cab for the flagged girl along with some other girls so our party got pretty much cut in half. manthan and i then bounced and decided to go to dave's place to say hello. i haven't seen him since Erin Express. After catching up with dave, manthan and i both had the beer munchies and we then went to his favorite mexican (at least one of them) restaurant, El Vez.
manthan keeps talking about this place so i had some pretty high expectations. For some reason he took this photo of the bike hanging above the bar.

manthan and i then started walking back to his car...trying to save money...but soone gave up and grabbed a taxi. i then crashed at rich and john's. Rich has an a/c in his room so i stole the couch cushions and set up a bed in his room. i then got cold at 5 am and couldn't find a blanket and moved back to the couch. Luckily it was pretty cool that night. Overall i'd say center city sips was a success.
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