Friday, July 4, 2008


Thursday night i decided to spend the night at manthan's. He wanted to go golfing on the morning of 4th of July. He tried getting ryan to come out but apparently he didn't have a good time golfing the week before. But we did manage to get ricky to join us on our tee time. manthan and i hit the driving range so we wouldn't be totally worthless Friday morning and afterwards we watched Hancock. It was a pretty good movie, got a little weird at the end but Will Smith is just ridiculously awesome. He could be in the movie Jane Erye and i would like it...well, maybe that's pushing it...

i was hoping to get some authentic indian food at manthan's....of course the one night i come over they have lasagna, vegetarian of course. It was pretty good for something without meat in it.

Friday morning ricky showed up at the house at 8:15 and we hung out for awhile and left for the golf course at 8:30. We decided to walk the course because we're poor and could not afford the fancy carts. My golf bag is ancient and just has one shoulder strap while manthan's and ricky's are newer and have all kind of fancy straps and a legs that pop out that hold the bag off the ground. Since my bag wasn't as cool as theirs i got a little pull cart, turned out to be an excellent decision.

This single joined our group right before we teed off. i believe his name was mark. He's 48 years old and in the construction business. He got his hip and femur replaced a year ago, a real character. He kept talking how much he hated the other golfers. He soon ditched us to go to the bank after the 8th hole.
i think the last time i played golf was over a year ago, so it wasn't a surpise spending most of the time in the rough.
i forget the name of the golf course but it was a good one for manthan's first 18 holes. Most of the holes were straight. It was a little busy when we first got there but after awhile it started to spread out.
manthan had a couple decent holes but he pretty much sucked the whole time. We don't even know what his score was because he just told us to put an "x" on the score card. Ricky apparently was on the varsity golf team in high school, so i thought he was going to be really good but turned out he was a little rusty.
Pretty sure this is a house. They have a batting cage and a basketball court in their backyard. Not too crazy about the bball court but i wish i had a batting cage in my backyard. That'll be the first thing i'll buy if i ever get some income.
Apparently there was a memo about wearing pants that day and i didn't get it. This picture was taken by balancing the camera on a club from manthan's bag and putting a timer on it. i'm good i know.
i played a decent game for not playing in forever. i was getting a little frustrated with my game until we got to the 17th hole. i messed up on my second swing and it was going to take a third one to get on the green. i was about 20ft from the hole and chipped it in for par. Pretty much the best feeling ever. Especially since mister 'i played varsity in high school' didn't even make par on one hole. Ricky still beat me though with a 107. i got a 112, and manthan....must have been ove 130.
It must have been the longest golf game i ever played. Took about 5 hours to get through the whole course and didn't help that i only got 5 hours of sleep the night before.

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