Highlights from Hilton Head
Sometime this past august went to Hilton Head with brent's family. What a crazy time. i wish i had a beach house. That's pretty much the result of that trip.
Here we have ben and brent out front of Crackle Barrel. This was my first time eating at one of these joints...and it'll probably be my last.
At the house, there were a lot of floaty things...i decided to combine them to make the ultimate floaty thing. brent helped of course and it was so amazing that we could transport people from one side of the pool to the other without them getting wet! Crazy? i know!
The fridge was acting a little funny so we would stick beers in the freezer since it wasn't actually freezing anything. After a couple days it did start to work and when brent opened a beer that had been partially frozen...sprayed all over him, priceless.
i got a lizard! Part of lydia's scavenger hunt or something..not really sure. But i saw a lizard and caught it! i'm so good at catching lizards i scare myself.
The drink of the trip must have been Vampires. i looked it up and decided i'd try it. one part chambord, one part cranberry, and one part vodka. The chambord is a little too sweet so you might want to add a little more cranberry. When its all mixed it actually looks like blood...so if you're a vampire you might like this.
i have a minor case of ocd, so i could occasionally clean the living area and stack things so that they would take up less space. i'm weird i know.
Ever have an oyster hoagie? This would actually be good if there wasn't so much crazy deep fried junx. Maybe i should make a rocky mountain oyster hoagie! Where to get some bull balls around here....hmm.
bekah introduced this cousin of hers...demon child john. This kid does not know what "stop", "no", "don't", etc. mean. He's so wild. bekah even had him calling me uncle yo yo. ??!?!? ugh, one of these days i'll get bekah back.
In Maryland i guess, not really sure, we went to some random mexican place that brent had found on his blackberry. The benches were chained together...who steals benches from a mexican restaurant?
Can't go wrong with a quesadilla that has everything in it. Steak, chicken, shrimp, and delicious!
Brent was pretty hungry so he got a cheese burger along with his quesadilla.
1 comment:
First of all, its Cracker Barrel, not Crackel Barrel. Second of all - What do you mean you'll never go to Cracker Barrel again?! I thought it would have your name written all over it! They give you mass amounts of greasy food - YUM! When you leave there your stomach feels like it weighs 50 lbs. What I wouldn't do for a Cracker Barrel breakfast w/ eggs, sausage & gravy...oh yeah and they're biscuits are awesome. There's one in Plymouth Mtg. if you ever want to give it another shot. The only cheesey thing is that their waiting area just happens to be a store...so you end up buying alot of junk you don't need like those awesome old fashioned rootbeer stick lollipops:)
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