We had to jump on two ferries to get there.
After getting settled in the house in Chau Doc, we had to be out the door again to go to a wedding down the street! i won't lie, it was a little awkward...the food on the other hand was alright.
In this picture you can tell that i was thrilled to sit at a table with a bunch of random Vietnamese women that don't speak any english.
For some reason my dad took a picture of this girl...because she looked cute? i guess she is kind of cute but its like this is for a school photo or something...
After the wedding we headed back to the house and chilled for a bit before going to bed. My cousins were nice enough to give me a back massage. Its nice to be back. How come brent never gives me massages?
Okay, you are so pathetic - can't believe you had all the cousins working on your stanky big body! :) And you know all the VN girls at the wedding were thinking, "I wonder if maybe this tall, handsome Amerasian boy will marry me some day! :)
The name of the fruit is, lychee.
Marie quote part two - from Steve -And then all the Vietnamese girls said "hey who is the dork wearing a striped shirt and plaid shorts. He must me color blind or just a Saner. Doesn't his father and grandfather dress the same way?" The other girl says "Yes, he soooo dorky!!"
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