Angkor What?!
The next morning we were scheduled for another fun boat ride (6 hours) to Siem Reap where we could be checking out Angkor Wat! Oh how could i forget? i woke up twice the night before to puke my brains out. Two more times after waking up. Turned out cheri had the same virus as me. The wierd thing is that only the two of us got it an not my mom nor marie. We all ate the same stuff, i think.
i was feeling awful at this point. i seriously just wanted someone to knock me out. i tried sleeping most of the way but could only sleep so much. Did i tell you that i had the worst diarrhea? Like explosive diarrhea. Not only did i have that going for me but the toilet was this crazy stainless steel hole in the in the back. i can't even remember the last time i squatted. Too much information? sorry. not really.
Once we docked back on land we were swarmed by tons of Cambodians. Asking us if we needed a ride, from little kids asking us for food, to people trying to sell us refreshments. It was kind of depressing and annoying at the same time. i was asked if i needed transportation like a million times.
Once at our fancy hotel we grabbed some munchies which turned out to be a lot of munchies.
Once we got settled steve did a little research on how to do the whole temple thing. Once we had a plan we were off to the temple!
Below we have the famous Angkor Wat temple. Built by a king or something. This place is awesome. Way cooler than the pyramids in Cairo, Egypt. Too bad there was scaffolding all over the structure.

i forget what this stuff is, sandstone? i wish i had my own temple...
i'm sorry, i couldn't resist taking a photo of the stone work. At least i didn't cup a feel like jack did. steve caught jack feeling one of these stone wall girl's ta tas. Silly jack.
More Angkor Wat.
More of the grounds. i thought about going through the history of this place but would just be copying and pasting wiki stuff so you can read up on it on your own.
i love these funky snake things. i've seen a snake with two heads before..i wonder if there were any as crazy as these statues.
The kids got their pictures taken behind statues missing their heads. None of my pics turned out good so all i have is this photo of anna for you.
Here is my mom with the fancy pond and temple in the back ground. Snap this is a pretty good picture for my camera. Usually its all blurry and junx.
My mom took this picture. This is like the only time i've ever seen her use a digital camera. She still sticks with her lame film camera.
The next temple we visited was the Bayon Temple. There are faces all over this junx. Pretty cool looking. i thought all the temples had faces on them but apparently they all have their own style because they were built by different rulers. The more you know...
Here is the front of the Bayon Temple. This place had so many places to crawl into. i just wanted to climb everything in this place. But i couldn't, silly security people were everywhere.
The next temple we visited was Ta Prohm. At least i think that is what its called. The place has some crazy trees growing all over it. Its actually where they filmed a few scenes of Lara Croft: Tomb Raider. The photo below is one i took after climbing this half fallen wall. Some of these stone walls are held up just by the root system of the trees. So crazy. steve has some better pictures of this place but i didn't get a chance to grab them from him.
Woot! More trees on stone!
Ha, how could i forget about this. i should get this picture below framed. The only people anna lets hold her is her mommy and daddy (most of the time). She would never let me hold her. But this time, she just happened to see a pony at the Angkor Wat temple and she wanted to ride it. Her mom told her that she wouldn't be able to ride the pony unless she let her uncle lazyson carry her. After she heard that she held her arms up for me to pick her up.
Another puppy! i saw this puppy and his mom sniffing around the temple but because the mom was so much bigger than the puppy, she was able to scale the steps so much faster and the poor puppy got left behind. The puppy got stuck at one of the doors of the temple and i helped him up. He was really scared and he almost bit me when i picked him up. But since i just happen to be the dog whisperer i managed to calm him down.
Look at the puppy!
Here is a fun photo. Almost died trying to get down because my feet kept slipping because my sneakers are extremely worn down.
anna didn't want me to holding her anymore because she said i was too hot. i don't get to hear that very often. But she was more than happy to let me help her over the steps.
Sorry, again these pictures are out of order. This is at the second temple, Bayon. Pretty much hit a wall at this point was super tired and just sat down in the shade and chill for a little while. Despite the look on our faces were having a good time.
After spending several ours at the temples it was time to get our munchies on. We found this Italian place on Pub Street. i decided to get the Khmer Pizza. The beer i had was Anchor...not as good as the Angkor beer but still decent. i also got a mint syrup and club soda drink to help my stomach feel better from that crazy stomach virus.
steve and i got the same pizza. This thing was really good. Like i can't believe i could have such a delicious pizza in Cambodia of all places.
At night we all got tickets to see the Angkor Wat light show. It was kind of expensive (60 bones/each) but when's the next time you're going to be in Angkor Wat, Cambodia, right? The show was okay. Much better than the pyramid light show but definitely a one and done kind of show.
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