Getting on the bus was kind of hectic. We got a ride to the bus pick up but when my mom handed the tickets to the guy, he said we couldn't board the bus because we didn't have our tickets stamped! What?! There were a couple of other people that didn't have their tickets stamped but he didn't catch them, only lucky us. Like these tickets were legit, but the person that issued them didn't stamp them. It all worked out though, he later asked my mom for one of the tickets and the office she got them at so he could yell at them for not stamping it.
About half way into the ride we stopped to stretch our legs and get something to eat. We went into this crazy restaurant and my mom said to just order soup because that would be the fastest. Oh i ordered chicken soup. Thinking it would be like chicken soup, right? Oh no, retarded me forgot we're in asia and nothing is as it seems. i got this giant bowl of chicken broth filled to the brim with chicken neck, liver, kidney, and my all time favorite coagulated blood. i tried eating it...i really did. But i couldn't finish it. i was just not in the mood for that stuff, especially the blood.
What i should have done was gotten a bag of these grasshoppers. i wanted some so bad but felt bad for wasting money on that nasty chicken soup. i've never had grasshoppers but i hear their good for you and don't taste that bad either.
Once in Phnom Penh we checked into our hotel and my dad and i bounced to check out the Killing Fields. This place was pretty depressing to say the least. Walking through the grounds where you know 20,000 people were slaughtered. They have these mass graves where they found hundreds of bodies. About 2 million people were killed of of Cambodia's 7 million total population. While walking around our guide showed us a tree that was used to kill children. They would hold kids by their feet and swing them into this tree until they were dead. So sick nasty. i can't believe something like this happened. All because of that crazy Pol Pot who wanted all of Cambodia to live a 'simple life'.
Here my dad is placing some flowers at the base of the memorial stupa.
i forget how many levels are in this thing but each one is filled with skulls.
Yeah...there they are. One some of the skulls you can see cracks and indents from where they received a blow to the head...lemon.
On a happier note i saw a snake! Trying to eat a frog...i guess that isn't that happy. It was kind of sad because the frog would croak and it almost sounded like it was crying. But i think it might have lived? One of the guides picked up the frog and placed it on a mound of dirt away from the snake while the snake was trying to bite a near by tourist. They said the snake wasn't poisonous as it was a 'frog snake'. Pretty sure they just made up that name because i can't find that name on the world wide web. Plus, if it wasn't poisonous...why was the frog acting all drugged out? i know i wasn't taking my chances.
For dinner we walked to the next hotel over to eat at their restaurant where i had a beer and another delicious burger. i'll admit the burger wasn't that good but it sure beats having fish everyday...or a stomach virus.
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