I knew it, as soon as I started bottling the cider a fox came around. Silly cider poacher. Actually, he was really interested in the geese in the pond. I wish the geese took me as seriously as the fox. The five geese in the pond wouldn't take their eyes off the fox. Too bad the ice didn't lead closer to the birds, he might be able to get one.

I had a really hard time getting a picture of this guy. My camera kept focusing on bushes and grass instead of the fox. I guess I'll have to figure out the manual focus thing.

As I tried to get a better shot of the fox, I got his attention and scarred him off. I felt bad but it wasn't like he was going to get a bird anyway.

It was so cool seeing him trot across the ice. With his reflection off the ice it was like there were
double foxes! What does it mean?!

Here you can seem him having second thoughts about leaving the birds. It would be so epic if I caught footage of him attacking a goose. Geese are pretty vicious, I'm not sure a fox would be able to take on such a large bird.

I wish I had a pet fox. My favorite bat is the
fox bat.

I heard on Animal Planet that the fox is actually more closely related to cats than dogs.

I really wish I could have gotten picture in better focus. The foxes coat was so pretty. It looks like he's wearing black socks. Reminds me of a cat named Chloe with white paws.

The fox eventually retreated to the bushes. I wonder if its home is back there. I wonder if I'll see him again. If I do I'll have to name him. I was thinking on the theme of Fantastic Mr. Fox or George Clooney. I'll have to think about it.

Goodbye Mr. Fox, I hope you can get an annoying goose one day.
1 comment:
Whoa so cool! I bet he plays a mean game of whack bat!
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