Josh organized a surprise birthday party for Abby. Supposedly he intended to invite me but never put me on the email list. However, he did remember to get a hold of me for the festivities. The theme for the party was "cheesy Christmas sweaters". I've heard of this theme before but hoped I'd never have to attend one. I thought it would be easy to find a sweater for the event but apparently there are no such sweaters in my house. I even hoped over to the thrift store (2nd Avenue) and couldn't find anything. Apparently tacky Christmas sweaters are a hot commodity item. I should have looked at the vests too but didn't think of it at the time. So alas, I was one of the few at the party that were party poopers.

Above you will see Abby's surprised reaction. But I think she found out about the party before hand, still not sure about that. So her reaction may be an act. Below we have a picture of one of their cats, Delilah!

She's very nice. Last time I was over she was very friendly to me but this visit she ignored me for the entire party.

Here we have Josh in his $10 ugly Christmas attire.

Rach brought outfits for the cats. Delilah was able fit in hers, but her brother Samson was too fat for his. The catfits (<--see what I did there??) were purchased at Walmart for $2 each! I think every cat should have a Christmas outfit for the holidays. You just need to make sure they fit your cat. Even though Delilah was about to fit into hers, she was a little immobile due to the dress being tight.

Here's a picture of Samson. Oh man, I don't want to be harsh, but this cat is so stinkin' fat. He's like a grey version of
Garfield. Samson was nice enough to greet me when I arrived. Once I sat down he hopped on my lap and laid there for a bit until Abby scared him off. I'm amazed how high he can jump despite his huge belly.

Samson is very photogenic. When he's not lying around he's eating. I only caught him eating out of his bowl twice that evening whereas last time I was over he visited his bowl three times scarfing food down for a couple minutes.

I got Samson's attention in this picture. He must have seen his reflection from the glass or perhaps he was curious from the noisy sounds coming from my camera.
There was a great spread at the party. Lots of beverages too. One of my favorites was the spiked cider. I believe it had cinnamon sticks, whole cloves, and some kind of whiskey/bourbon heated over the stove. We also had pizza and tons of snacks. I brought an assortment of cookies (oatmeal raisin, chocolate chip, and fruit cake) that my mom had baked the day before.

We even played a game! It was called telephone pictionary? Something like that. Everyone who was playing got in a circle. There were then three stacks of papers. Each stack had a sheet for each person that was playing. The first person that has a stack has to draw something and pass it to the left. The next person has to guess what the drawing is, put it on the bottom of the pile, and write in words what they think the picture is before passing it their left. That next person draws what the previous person wrote without seeing the original drawing. You do this until everyone has written or drawn something and then present the "story book" that was created. It was a lot of fun. Maybe the buzz I had from the cider attributed to that but that's definitely one game to keep in my bag of trips for future parties. Just like the game telephone, the last picture drawn is very different from the original.
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