Friday, March 7, 2008

The Groovement

Got word that my roommate from junior year in boarding school was going to be playing at Dr. Watson's Pub. i have tried going to see his band on two other occasions but both those times their gig was canceled. i'm not a big fan of venturing into center city by myself so i wasn't sure i was going to go. Later, i found out that john and rich were going to go to Dr. Watson's to see this other band that john knew someone in because they need to see four concerts for their history of rock 'n roll class.

Now i had some people to go with, so i met up with rich and john at their apartment. John was told to be there at 8:30 pm...and i was told to be there at 8pm...just to play it safe we went with my time. When we go to the pub, turned out that the first band didn't play until 8:45pm...and my friend Lee, his band The Groovement wasn't going to get on the stage until 11:15pm.

The first band was a ska band, then an emo band, another ska band...then finally the reggae Groovement. Got to see some other kids from boarding school...Colin doing the sound, Alex on the bass, and kenny showed up too.

Of course rich got the random idea that we should drink a lot. By the time all the bands played we had consumed six magic hat #9's and a shot of wild turkey. Rich's reasoning for having a shot of wild turkey was that he has never had one before and he wanted to do a was pretty nasty.

The bands were alright, i even got a free cd...from The Argonauts, with four whole songs on it! It was my least favorite band that night...lemon.

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