My mom rolls a little different than other moms. An example of this is when she travels. She is notorious for importing her own goods overseas. Since meat is kind of expensive in Saudi, my mom thought she would just buy a 20 pound piece of beef chuck in the states, put it in her duffle bag and check it under the plane. It was just wrapped in some plastic bags (frozen of course).
By the time we got to Saudi, i thought we were screwed going through customs. They didn't even check the bag that time...and when we got home, the meat was still frozen. i guess that's safe...Still alive to write about it.
Well this trip to Vietnam was no different. One of my aunts over there cooked up some shrimp and fish. My mom thought it would be break to bring some of that junx home for my uncles. She bought some more shrimp and fish, had my aunt cook it, and hucked them into some plastic bags and stuffed them in her suitcase.
The shrimped looked sick nasty. The heads were torn off but the insides of the head were still attached to the body. Wasn't going to keep me from trying it but still looked crazy. Turned out not tasting like anything. The fish had a million bones in it, and was really salty. Ended up filling myself with white rice and some Thai sour soup.
i have no problem eating cow tongue, chicken heart, goat brain, rat...the one thing i can't even watch be eaten is balut. i am more than happy living a life of never trying it. Well, maybe i'll suck a little juice out of one sometime...but i'm not touching the baby duck/chicken.
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