Quack Quack
My dad noticed we have a new neighbor by the house. A duck, that has two eggs by one of the windows of the house. Kind of a little random, at least it isn't a Goose nest...i'd be tempted to smash the eggs or at least shoot the mother while she was chillin on her nest. Since the ducks don't seem to be a threat to the yard i guess i can leave them alone.
i was out looking for the eggs earlier today and didn't see them, and i haven't seen the duck for awhile. Wonder what happened to them, probably packed their things and moved to Georgia to take advantage of the College Scholarships they off there. i saw it...i mean my friend saw something about it on the HGtv channel, Deserving Design.
Kind of hard to see the duck, but its there. Hanging out under the bush, pretty nice real estate if you ask me.
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