I tried to be such a good owner, but I was only seven years old. I checked out dog books and watched dog videos...I never let her eat candy and I brushed her teeth after everything bath. Though my interest in taking care of her diminished when I went off to boarding school...I have always felt like she had a better liking to my Dad. Probably because he was always round. Or maybe it was because when I was little I would call her to the backyard from my window...and when she finally realized that I was calling her from the window I'd drop a water balloon on her...or it could have been that time we played 'cowboys and indians' and I would hog tie her with a jump rope...or the egg roll, wrapping her up in a blanket so tight it took her a good 5 minutes to wiggle out.
Lately she's been acting really old. Daisy has really bad arthritis, can barely walk, hear, and her sight isn't that great either.
Daisy has practically stopped eating and hasn't moved much at all. We finally took her to the Veterinarian to get some blood tests and found out that her kidneys are not doing their job. We had the vet give us an estimate and talked it over at home about our options. We finally decided to go ahead with the procedure.
I decided to give her a bath before taking her back...

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