Thursday, November 22, 2007

I Don't Even Like Jelly

You ever feel like a donut? Like sure from a certain angle you look like a full round pastry. But from above its just empty with a hole in the center of it. Like there is something missing but you're not sure what should be there.

Sure could put some glaze on it or some sprinkles or maybe cover it with coconut shavings, sure it makes the donut look different and getting a new tv or motorcycle...but it still has a hole in the center of it.

I'm just trying to say the donut just doesn't look happy. Out of all the donuts out there, the only one that seems to have its life together is the Jelly Donut. The jelly donut doesn't have anything missing and just looks like its really enjoying its life.

I bet the Jelly Donut is really successful too, like I bet it has no worries in the world and gets to do whatever it wants and be happy. Such as being a successful musician.

The Jelly Donut just has better looks than the other donuts, like it could be a part time model because its so ridiculously good looking..

Also the Jelly Donut is worry free, is living on its own, and has a good job unlike the other donuts that are still living jobless with their parents. The Jelly Donut even has the mortgage paid off...

I guess I'm just trying to say I've been feeling like a regular donut lately, and wish I was more like the jelly donut, with the jelly filling, the jelly house, the jelly job, and the jelly love. Maybe even a glass of milk too.

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