Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Chair of Ridiculous...

I guess my mom really wants to lose some weight. She was in great shape after she had my three sisters...but once I was born...

So of course she buys those crazy machines that you see on those infomercials. I believe the first major one was the ab curl...i forget what its called but its that ridiculous thing to help you do sit-ups. Then my mom bought the sauna belt, which really just makes you lose water weight and probably nothing else. This brings us to the Chi Machine...a little box that costs 500 bones that is suppose to "center" your chi. I call it the fish machine, because you rest your ankles on it and it shakes you like a fish...

Now for one of the most ridiculous contraptions that my mom has every bought. My parents should really have my consent before buying anything. Of course its not that way and we just accumulate more junk in the house. You're suppose to sit on this chair...there is no off button you have to unplug it...the chair then moves in a circle and its suppose to work your abs. Which is just ridiculous. It feels like the chair is going to through you off it, its like a tame mechanical a mechanical bull for toddlers...that's 350 bones...So yeah, pictures don't do it justice so I had to upload a video.


Mark Saner said...

Shake it RORO

Unknown said...

Why does this incite various drinking game/antics possibilities?