With my crazy busy schedule I manage to plan to go to New Deck Tavern with Ryan for some food and later some crazy quizzo action. Ryan had to do some stuff before meeting up with me so I just chilled at his place with the roomies Ricky and Adam.
They have a cat. Named Buckwheat...pretty sure that's the first time I've heard that name for a pet. This cat takes so much abuse but always comes back to play, lick, and bite just enough to make it annoying but not enough to cause bleeding. Two seconds in the place I sit down on the couch and the cat runs up my leg and mounts my head and starts licking my hair...for a good 20 seconds. Its kind of hard to take a picture of yourself or for anyone to take you seriously with a cat on your head...

Probably see something like this in lolcats or something..

After that and like 2 minutes of playing Wii Mario Party, Ryan and I headed to New Deck around 8pm to get a table and some food before Quizzo started and so everyone would have a place to sit. I had the patty melt which was pretty good and Ryan had the hickory burger and onion soup. I wish I had gotten the onion soup, nothing better than onion soup during winter time.
So of course once Ryan thought we had enough chairs for the four of us we call Adam and he says he's bringing 2 girls with him...and then Ricky says its just one girl...and then Adam comes with two...but we got the waitress to pull over a table for two so everything worked out, this time. Quizzo goes down at 10pm and lasts til 12:00.
Here is Ryan and Ricky.


Adam's two lady friends (Michelle and Andrea) because apparently one girl isn't good enough for him...

They asked the most ridiculous questions. Three rounds of ten questions and a a bonus round of matching or fill in the blank. I only knew one question, "Who was the European that lead a group of Arabs to Damascus in 1916..." and of course it had to be Lawrence of Arabia! So of course we didn't win anything. I guess the most fun part of Quizzo is hearing the team names. Ours was "What was UPenn police doing at Wizards?" or something like that. The worst team name had to have been "3 Guys, 1 Cup" which is just sick nasty.
After failing miserably at Quizzo, headed back to Ryan's and was entertained by a robot reindeer and Buckwheat.
I guess I'll throw in another video since I have it...
I then headed to Rich's and John's to see how their Finance studying was going, though didn't look like they got anything done while I was there. Left for home at 2:20 am, texted someone and went to bed at like 3:30 am.
nothing like onion soup? what about pho!?
nothing like a bowl of pho?
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