So last night caught another mouse, but it was only its back leg caught in it so it was very much alive. It took awhile to get him, had to take down like 4 drop ceiling tiles and some flash lights. Maybe i should have used the BB gun...I was going to volunteer to drive him out and let him go, though this leg looked pretty messed up and my dad said that he would decapitate it with a shovel. i don't think i could do that to a mouse, well...maybe if he pooped on me and then bit me.
i'm still convinced that there is some massive animal up in the ceiling. Can't believe a few little mice could make so much noise, plus right before a trap goes off i can barely hear them running. Apparently my dad use to do a little trapping back in his day.
He has this old trap, kind of like a bear trap but newer. People would use bear traps for beavers and other animals...but when they were caught they would just chew off their leg and get away. Trappers then would leave the traps in a river, so when an animal got caught and tried to chews its leg off it would just drown itself...well that's what my dad said. So they made this 'new' trap that just suffocates the animal over a short period of time if it doesn't snap its neck first. My dad planned on catching muskrats with it, and selling its fur for money. But, he never caught a muskrat. He caught a screech owl once, and tried to nurse back to health but it died three day after being caught.
Well here is the trap...

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