My uncles and aunts finally made it to the states. My parents put their names in the crazy immigration system 10 years ago and the paper work got approved and now they are here to start a new life. Though only two of the uncles made it over, the oldest and the youngest. My mom's middle brother didn't make because he didn't past his medical exam so he'll have to wait a few more months until he does.
Last time i saw my uncles was 12 years ago at the age of 10. Of course they were surprised to see how much i've grown and one of them asked if i remembered them...psh, like i would forget my own uncle...well, maybe his name. But i remembered his dogs? That counts right? Its a little hard for me to communicate with them since they practically know no English and the only think i know in Vietnamese is a couple dishes...
i should follow them around with a video camera and make a reality show. They've never been outside of Vietnam so it would be good for some reactions plus my mom is nuts and is always good footage for the camera.

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