The specific gravity when we first mixed everything together was 1.088, and right before bottling it was 1.002. Looked at a chart, and looks like this batch of white wine is about 11.2% alcohol by volume. Not too bad for our first try at white wine. Also it didn't taste too bad, a little acidic...but also pretty sweet.
Filled about 29 bottles, though one of the bottles was pretty big...we're going to count that as two. Making that a total of 30 bottles. Kind of pushed it with the last one, got a lot of sediment in it so its all cloudy and not very nice to look at.
The corking went well too! Used some new corks this time, not sure what exactly was different about the other ones, but these were a lot easier to squeeze and push into the bottle with the crazy red corker. Bought some labels too that look a little more professional than the ones i just add water to them and stick them on.

Dude you need to send me some of your wine.
Ooooo - pretty colors. . .
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