Sure enough, my uncles were up at early this morning and finished painting the rack. There wasn't too much to do but they touched up on some spots that they had missed the day before. The paint can said to wait 6 hours for it to dry before doing anything with the wood...but i believe i only waited 5 hours.
For some reason i thought it was a good idea to assemble it myself. It was pretty tough attaching the shelves to the cross pieces...i ended up getting a vice and squeezing them together with that because the pieces barely fit together. Of course when i'm 1/4 into assembling the wine rack i realize i used the wrong cross pieces for the top and had to take it all a part. Luckily i didn't screw anything together yet.
Back to square one.
Didn't take me too long to get the right pieces together since some of the varnish had been scrapped off from the first attempt.i then asked my dad for a little help screwing all the pieces together, but as soon as my dad came to did my mom's youngest brother. Then after a few minutes my mom's other brother comes down to help. It was a little confusing because my uncles would ask me something and i would just look at them blankly...and in the event that i did have an idea of what they were saying...i had no idea how to answer them. So with the three of them working on the wine rack i then got the role of a supervisor/camera man. i never really liked using a screw driver anyway so it all worked out for the better. While they were doing all the hard stuff, i decided to clear out the closet to make some room for the shelf. Of course the floor isn't level nor the rack itself so a piece of cardboard was wedged under the left corner to level it out a little bit. After everyone left, i was left to put the bottles in the rack. For some reason i thought it would look more full. Or maybe more empty...and now i know why, the rack is suppose to hold 110 bottles, but looking at it right can only hold 100...because i put it together upside down....@#$#@&)$@ Great...i guess i have another project to do for tomorrow...stupid directions not directing what goes where...
Never thought I'd have the opportunity to say this to my little bro, but here it goes:
Never thought I'd have the opportunity to say this to my little bro, but here it goes:
Nice Rack! :)
What?!?! 42 posts in January and it is already Feb 4 and no posts?!?!? Is this some cruel trick? Get our hopes up and then crush our fragile spirits?!
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