It was time to head up to Vermont again. This time, no little kids are going to be on the trip so i was pretty excited for that. Also, there gets to be massive amounts of booze to be consumed on the bus. My kind of bus ride. Last year on my trip to Stowe, manthan and i weren't sure what to bring to drink. Beer was boring so we wanted to do something different. We ended up buying some orange juice and coconut rum. We might of had some vodka but what we shouldn't have brought along was Ice 101. Sure its fun and games taking shots of it at first, but its tastes like a vat of peppermints have been melted down and mixed with you end up getting sick before getting buzzed.
We decided to maybe we should get beer, because its safe...but again we some how talked ourselves out of it and decided to make a Tucker Death Mix. It consists of Gatorade, Red Bull, and Everclear (190 Proof)...last time i did one i thought i was going to die. But it seemed to be a good idea for the trip because i could just store it in my Camlebak and not worrying about spilling it, plus i had manthan to drink some too so i wouldn't have to worry about dying again.
Wasn't really sure how much to add together. So i got about 52 oz of Gatorade (lemon-lime), two twelve oz. cans of red bull, and about 12 oz of everclear. This recipe i found said use the whole 5th of everclear, but i actually like my liver so i stuck with 12 ounces. i was expecting something delicious, but no...tasted awful. i forgot i don't really like red bull and when mixed with Gatorade it just tastes nasty. So there was only one thing to do, drink it until it tastes good. Again, my plan failed because i failed to get drunk. Oh well, at least i got some carbs in my system to burn for snowboarding.
The bus ride was a little bit more fun this year, rather than manthan and i being the only people under 28...there were some more people our age. So there was lots of singing and ridiculous games that were played, and the people in the front of the bus (the old people) hated us.
What was not cool on the trip was the music that was played. Because the person that organized the trip is 51, and a 70's music fan....thats the music we listened to for a good 2 hours...and no one changed the first CD so it played over and over. i thought i was going to go crazy, like start punching babies crazy.
Manthan and i were sitting in the second to last row of the bus, we thought we would be far enough from the old people and not have to witness anything weird or too crazy old people might do. But no, not the case...we had this couple sitting in front of us (well they were married to other people, but both are separated...) and they're like over 50 years old...but it was like they were both 16 years old kissing for the first time. Groping each other and sucking face the whole trip up to the lodge. i wanted to vomit.
We finally stopped to eat, at a McDonald's. i have the worst experiences at McDonald's. For some reason whenever i order food there it takes so long to get it, or there is some crazy mix up with my order. Like people that order their food 10 minutes after me get their meal first. Its like every McDonald's employee gets a pamphlet with my picture in it during orientation and it says to screw me if i'm ever at that particular McDonald's getting food. i got a Big Mac, this time was no exception...

That's how my big mac looked when i opened it up...i have no idea what kind of thought process you have to have to assemble a burger like that. Plus there was a piece missing from the bun, like some one took a bite out of it...but i soon found the piece of bun, it just broke off and wasn't to consumed. i hope. i'm not one to complain about food unless its extremely messed up, so i fixed the big mac...and ate it. i guess most people would have taken it back, but i've made sandwich of cookies, spaghetti, and marinara sauce so eating this messed up big mac wasn't really an issue. i was just really confused when i opened it up.
We got to our lodge around 11:10 pm, i was so happy i didn't have to witness those two sucking face anymore. But of course the guy had to get another uncalled for comment, and while waiting to get my key to the room...he said to the woman, "i can't wait to have sex with you.." for everyone to hear in the lobby. i was so happy my room wasn't even remotely close to theirs.
Go to the room and passed out, so we'd be able to get up at 7am the next day...managed to get a picture of manthan going to sleep. Might be considered a little creepy...oh well.
Time for the fun chemicals to be added to the Pino Blanc. The specific gravity was 0.993. Probably will only get 11% alcohol with this batch. While mixing the chemicals and junx there was a lot of CO2 coming off, a lot more than the other batches. But i'm not bottling anytime soon so i won't have to worry about making champagne or explosive bottles of wine.
This one kid i know was bottling beer with his dad. They ran out of beer bottles so they decided to use Appletise (best apple soda ever) bottles. When he was putting the bottles in the fridge, the Appletise bottle exploded and a shard of glass went through his lip and chipped his tooth. Now that sounds horrible, but it was also two days before the Dive Trip to the Red Sea so he missed that...lemon.
Anyway, had manthan over to help out with the mixing. We're heading to Stowe, VT today. Should be a fun 8 hour bus least this time i'll be able to drink on the bus, woot!

i'm sure everyone has collected something at some point in their life. My mom collects those ridiculous spoons, why would you collect those i don't know. All they're good for is tea and maybe an infant could use them eating. This one kid i knew collected scabs...yeah, pieces of coagulated blood. But not just any scab was good enough for his collection. He had to have big pieces and he kept them in ziplock bags...
i wasn't sure what i wanted to collect, scabs are just gross and spoons and snow globes are not manly enough. So i decided to collect toothpick holders.
Okay, i know what you're thinking. You're thinking those are shot glasses, not toothpick holders.Well maybe some of them were intended to hold booze and not toothpicks and i'll probably never put toothpicks in them, but one of them was labeled as a toothpick holder, because it was at a boyscout camp and they didn't want to promote alcohol by any means, pretty ridiculous...
My collection is pretty lame, i have about fifty shot...toothpick holders but there are only forty six in the picture because i have misplaced a couple of them. i acquired four them on the trip to L.A. Two from the LAX airport and the other two from the Phoenix Airport.
i like the second one from the right just because it has a dead dude in the glass, plus it has a recipe for a shot. Pretty sure i haven't seen that before, some collector i am.
There is my collection, nothing to brag about but at least i can say i have one. Now i just need to get some toothpicks, or booze...
Well today was the last day. Packed my bags and got ready to check out. i decided to take another look at this "spa". Since i couldn't even see the water the night before. Yeah...good thing i didn't jump in that junx.

you can barely see the bottom of that thing that resembles a swamp. Good thing i didn't have an open wound on my finger i'd probably have an infection. i'm surprised i didn't get pulled into the water by Swamp Thing last night. It doesn't even take that much maintenance to keep a hot tub clean. My fish pond i built for my eagle project looked cleaner than that.
Couldn't wait to leave the hotel after seeing that. The next stop for us was the Breeze Restaurant at the Century Park Plaza. We were meeting a banker that has been doing stuff for my dad for four years but they have never met. They guy was like in his 60's and was a real character. Had no intention of retiring because he wouldn't know what to do with himself. He gets into work at like 7 am but still finds time during the work day to golf and hop on his 34 foot sail boat. Ugh i need a job so can do fun stuff. For breakfast i got the Crab Cake Benedict. It had spinach on it too, which i wasn't crazy about. i like spinach but just didn't taste good with the egg and crab cake...or maybe it was just bad spinach, i'll never know. The banker got some omelette. There was half a tomato on his plate as garnish, he quickly asked the server to remove it. He couldn't stand looking at it. i had one too so i hid it behind one of my crab cakes. What is up with those crazy people that can't stand tomatoes?! Its like they watched Attack of the Killer Tomatoes at too young of an age or something...
Well that was an entertaining breakfast. On the way back to the car rental place, i saw it...finally. The stupid Bridge movie theater. There is on in Philly, but every time i have searched for movie times for that theater i somehow end up at this theater's website. Its not even that great of a theater. They have assigned seating, who thought assigned seating was a good idea at a theater? On two occasions i have gone to see a movie and when i found my seat, the seat assignment was printed twice and i had to go back to the desk and get another seat assigned to me...ugh, i despise you bridge. Can't fool me into liking you with your cool up decor and modern art work.
Before returning the rental car we had to fill up the tank or else we'd get charged a million dollars for it. The gas prices in California are pretty high, silly crazy gas to decrease emissions...At the pump they had some crazy nozzle. You can't just put it in the car and bounce and let it pump itself. You have to hold it there and maker sure its air tight. At least thats what my dad said.
Got to the airport and did the fun security dance before reaching the gate. i saw a guy with a Mac Book Air. i didn't think people actually bought those, they're kind of limited for the price. After seeing that a choir from Kenya started busting out some songs at a gate near by. They all had matching black t-shirts and black cowboy hats. That was pretty entertaining, i took some video too but i'll have to put that up later after compressing it and all that fun stuff later.
There were probably 30 people max on the flight to Phoenix. i quickly grabbed the seat next to the exit. There is no seat in front of you so you're able to stretch out. It was nice, but of course the time when i get a good seat the flight is only one hour long. Ugh, well at least i got to sit there for a little bit.

Arriving in Phoenix, Arizona we were pretty hungry and decided to get some Chinese food. They guy at the register looked like he was from Kenya, and the guy making the food looked like he was Mexican...After noticing that i wasn't expecting any authentic Chinese food, plus i ordered the "Thai Chicken". It came in a cool styrofoam container, if i was a container i'd want to be this one.
i'm a sucker for buying shot glasses, so once i passed the gift store i had to go in to see if they had any fun shot glasses, and of course they did. While buying the shot glasses they had some lollipops on the counter. $3.60 for the sucker! What's up with that? Oh, i see...after a closer look they have scorpions in them. i haven't had scorpions since, well...never. i almost bought one, but decided not too.
i went back to the gate and sat and listened to my iPod. After a little bit of sitting i had to go to the bathroom. On the way back from the bathroom i passed that gift store again, i had 10 bones in my pocket and before i knew it i was walking out of that gift shop with two scorpion lollipops. One Strawberry flavored and the other Blueberry. The girl that ringed me up asked if i was really going to eat them, PSH! Um yeah! I'm not afraid of a little scorpion! And i'm sure its just that much more delicious aging in a sugary prison on a stick.

Well, not quite sure when i'm going to bite into these delectable treats...maybe on my ski trip this weekend i'll try one...probably the blueberry one, i like the color blue. Now i'm ready to board the plane to Philly.
Arrived into Philly around midnight and didn't get home until 12:40 pm. Overall it was a fun trip and i'm glad i went. i'll have to visit SoCal again and hit up all those crazy places i didn't get a chance to.
Another day in L.A. Soon got dressed and headed out to find a place to eat. My dad wanted to go to The Oinkster since i talked it up so much from what i've read. We headed out of the room and jumped in our sweet Chrysler Pacifica.

We were actually going to eat at The Oinkster the night before but they close at 9 pm and it was already 8:20...and we decided to get some burgers instead. What we should have done was call to see when they actually open. We got to The Oinkster at 9am and to our dismay it was closed. Doesn't open until 11 am....lemon.
Hmm, well i guess i'll just hit the next place on my list, Pink's! i know, only the fanciest of places make it on my list to eat at. Pink's was established in 1939 and they say they have 21 different hot dogs. Though looking at the menu i only saw 20. From the looks of the place it looked promising, like L.A.'s version of Pat's or Geno's in Philly. Plus, you can't mess up a hot dog. They're always delicious.
So many choices, took me a while to decide. i ended up getting the Polish Pastrami-Swiss Cheese dog and the Bacon Chili Cheese Dog. The polish was massive, it was pretty much the equivalent to three hot dogs. And the bacon chili cheese dog was amazing, there was enough bacon on to thin out my blood and give me a nose bleed...My dad decided to go nuts and get the Guadalajara Dog. i know i butchered that the first time i said it. It has relish, onions, tomato, and sour cream on it...Sour Cream on a hot dog?! i'd eat it. Of course it was kind of whimpy compared to the awesome-ness of the Polish and Bacon Chili dog i had, so my dad soon ordered another Bacon Chili Cheese Dog after finishing his crazy Guadalalalallalaljara.
Good thing we had to go somewhere, i could have stayed there all day eating hot dogs. After lunch we headed south east to French Valley Airport to meet some crazy guy with some machine he's making. Something with silly putty and plasma arcs, not really sure what that was all about i still had those hot dogs on the brain.
Though this guy did say he did some business with In-N-Out Burger, had a hot air balloon made for them and said that the original family that started the joint were celebrating something and all the family including first cousins and junx boarded a plane and it crashed and they all died...and In-N-Out Burger was then left to people that weren't exactly ready to be the owners...not sure how true that is, i don't care enough to check on how accurate that is.
On the way back i saw a sign for fast food chain. Carl's Jr. What is that all about? They stole the star from Hardee's! i don't even understand that, i don't care if its a "sister chain". Can't steal Hardee's smiling star! i don't even know the difference of the two places, their menus look the same. But i had no intention to eat at this Carl's Jr., their logo only says "Charbroiled Burgers" not "Charbroiled THICK Burgers" like Hardee's.
Took us about 2 hours to get back to the Los Angeles area from the airport. What is the deal with their freeways? They have a special lane for carpoolers but i saw a motorcycle go down the lane every 5 do they fit under the category of a carpool?
When we finally got back to the city we decided to head back to Eagle Rock and try The Oinkster one more time. There are only 2 things i wanted from this place, and that was the Oinkster Pastrami and a Ube Shake. i was denied the Ube Shake, they ran out of ube!! What's up with that?! The one time i make it down The Oinkster and there is no ube for an Ube Shake...lemon!
Fortunately it was happy hour and instead of the shake i got a pitcher of Widmer Hefeweizen and a cup of Oinksterade. The beer tasted amazing with the Oinkster Pastrami sandwich. My dad ordered the BBQ pulled pork and we both shared a half. The pulled pork was just alright, but i would choose the pastrami over the pulled pork any day.
Pastrami on the right...pork on the left...
The Oinkster was everything i thought it would be and i was happy. Just really wish i could have had the purple yam milkshake. Oh well, i guess i'll just have to go out there again sometime. i didn't even to do any of the touristy stuff on Hollywood blvd.
After dinner we jumped in the Pacifica and headed back to the Comfort Inn. It was only 7:30 and even though my dad is known for falling asleep i thought i would be alright not making sure he was alert every minute. Going down some crazy freeway, 101 i think, i got distracted by a store called the Halloween Club...the second i look at it the car veers off to the right and i am then lifted up and the car is riding the barrier...along with that was a bunch of scraping dad fell asleep, but after that quickly woke up. i would have offered to drive but i wasn't listed as one of the drivers.
We arrived back at the Comfort Inn around 8pm. i grabbed my backpack and then checked out the car. Somehow, there was no damage to the car. Not even a scratch, the wheel must of caught the barrier before any other part of the car could be got lucky dad.
When we got the room, i felt kind of bummed out because my dad was already in bed asleep by 8:30 pm...we could be out partying! i guess i was kind of tired too. But i wasn't about to go to sleep anytime soon. i took a look at the Comfort Inn brochure and saw that they had a "spa". By "spa" they really mean a lame hot tub that is outside with no lighting. It was fenced in and i could barely make out where the gate was to get in. i looked at the hot tub, and it just looked weird...something was off. i stuck my finger in it and it was freezing! What kind of hot tub is this?! i really wanted a hot tub too, i messed with some switches in the corner and i think it was just on a timer. But i still got a funky vibe from the hot tub so i decided to spend the rest of the night in the room.
My Dad had some people to visit out west. He didn't feel like going by himself so he asked me to go along to keep him company. Plus it was a good chance to try out some places to eat at. Got my bags packed and was ready to leave at 9 am, the time my dad said he wanted to leave...45 minutes later he finally read to head out the door.
The first stop was the Philadelphia International Airport. After parking the car and taking the shuttle, we then went through the ridiculous security check. As i read the new have to put all your liquids in 3 oz containers and then put those in a 1 gallon zip-lock bag, and then put them in a tray to go through the x ray...
And there is no limit to how many 3 oz bottles i can have? Pretty sure with all the extra security, it wouldn't prevent another terrorist attack from happening...oh well, i guess it doesn't really matter...i'm just glad my pants stayed up while my belt was going through the x ray machine.
We had an hour to burn so we decided to get something to eat. My dad ordered a reuben. His most favorite sandwich of all time. But when his order was finally done, it didn't even look like a reuben sandwich...instead of rye bread they used some kind of pita, instead of sauerkraut they used coleslaw, and there wasn't even 1000 Island dressing it it...i'm no reuben expert, but that's no reuben. i ordered the philly cheese steak, i knew better than to order one in an airport but i was really craving one. It wasn't amazing but it looked way better than that sorry excuse for a reuben.
Not sure why i took this photo, i just thought it was weird seeing a guy in his mid 30's wearing birkenstocks and carrying a Vans backpack with a carabiner and some climbing rope attached to it...there was this other crazy looking guy that was texting a bunch and looked like he was 50. His glasses looked like they were mangled by a bear...
i believe this was my first time flying Southwest...i would have remembered this crazy seating system where i get to sit wherever i want. It was nice though, i got to get a window seat. i love the window seat. Just because i'm able to rest my head on the window and pass out. Then the flight doesn't seem as long. What i can't stand is sitting in the middle seat next to two crazy people...makes me want to punch babies, god forbid there are babies around when that happens...Anyway, Chicago here i come!
It was a pretty short flight, around 3 hours and on the way through the airport i was this nice sign to welcome me. Pretty sure John Street never welcomed me to Philadelphia...bastard.

Heading out of Chicago, i had wonderful Golf to watch. Mostly it was Tiger Woods on the screen because he's so great and wearing his red shirt since it was as Sunday. Ugh, i can't stand watching golf...could have really used that tv remote watch...
Leaving cold miserable Chicagoland...
The next declicious thing to eat was the Southwest Snack box. i didn't receive one on the first flight because it was so short...the only thing i ate was the Handi-Snacks. Can't pass up crackers and weird goo that tastes like cheese.
To wash it all down i had a small glass of water...when reading the napkin i could really hear the "Ding"...crazy how that works...
The flight to Los Angeles was many people going to SoCal. But it wasn't too bad, i managed to sleep most of the way. The flight attendants are nuts on Southwest, the airline lets them say anything they want as long as they explain the emergency procedures. Pretty sure i would say some ridiculous stuff over the intercom if i had the chance..
When we arrived at the LAX airport, and had gotten the rental was time to get some dinner. We decided to hit up the In-N-Out...Everyone says you have to go to one when in California. It better be good...
i manged to get directions to an In-N-Out that was really no where close to our hotel. Turned out there was one 2 miles away on the same street when we headed to the room. While deciding to what to get, i decided to go big. i ordered the Double-Double with onions.
i'll have to say i was pretty disappointed with it. i know they make a big deal about how fresh everything is but it just wasn't as good as what i was expecting. Also my patties were red in the middle, i guess that's how they roll at the In-N-Out...
i didn't want to just judge In-N-Out on one Double-Double burger so i got two cheese burgers to go to eat at the hotel room. i know, i'm fat.
i only managed to eat one of them, and threw the other burger in the mini-fridge...i'm not a fan of their sponge dough either. Hopefully the next place i eat will be better. i spent the rest of the night watching all the Hollywood stars party it up after the Oscars...lemon, i wish i could have gone to those parties.
i was in the bathroom, and it hit me. Whatever happened to those remote control TV watches?? They were like the coolest things ever! i believe the first time i saw one was in 2nd grade. A couple classes were gathered into a room to watch a video. Then one of the kids in my class asked the teacher the manufacturer of the TV we were watching. Why would he want to know that?
Next thing you know the TV is turning on and off and the channels are being scrolled through...and i look at the kid that asked the question and there he is with his watch at eye level pressing buttons...Wasted 3 minutes of our lives that we could never get back. He was so cool, i wish i had a TV remote watch. The teacher soon figured out what was going on and asked the kid to stop.
i thought that kids watch was amazing. i thought there was going to be a tv remote strapped on every kids wrist by the end of the week. But that didn't happen, maybe 4 other kids had them by the end of the term.
i guess the TV remote watch isn't very practical if you think about it. if you're sitting on your couch in front of the tube, you choose to use your regular remote with one hand rather than holding your left hand up while pressing the tiny buttons with your, i'd still get one.
Today was another uneventful day. Only thing that went down was my Grandpa calling to have some help with his computer. He has Quicken for his finance junx and has it back up on a flash drive plugged in back of his computer. The flash drive has a 256 MB capacity and even though the settings on Quicken are set to delete old back doesn't and after about 24 back ups its filled up and freaks out saying there is no more space left.
Pretty lame i know, so my dad and i had to go over there and show Grandpa how to access the flash drive and delete the old files. Might have been able to do it over the phone, but knowing my Grandpa that would probably just cause more problems. i built his computer too, so i feel the need to see it now and its my child or something. i know weird...i'm just a dork that way.
Of course there were some other things Grandpa wanted done. About an hour and a half later i'm ready to bounce. On the way home my dad said he wanted to go out to eat. He didn't know where though. He was thinking T.G.I Friday's. i wasn't really in the mood so we ended up going to Romano's Macaroni Grill.
i've never been there before and when we rolled into the parking lot pretty much every spot was taken. But when we got inside it the place was maybe half full. We were soon seated at a booth and our server's name was Lisa. She even wrote it on the table cloth. Or, on the giant paper on top of the table cloth. Took me awhile to decided what to order. We busted out the Calamari Fritti, its been awhile since i had some calamari. For the main course i ordered the Chicken & Shrimp Scaloppine and my dad got the Lobster Ravioli. To wash it all down we got a bottle of Chianti. The wine was good but wasn't a good idea to get a red with chicken and shrimp thats been cooked with white wine. i'm not saying i know anything about wine because i don't. Everyone hates the guy that thinks he knows about wine but doesn't. i haven't even really tried one of my bottles of wine.
Anyway, the food was really good. By the time i was 3/4 through the main course i was hurting. i think my stomach has shrunk. My youngest sister would be ashamed of me. But i managed to put it all down and when Lisa came back to ask us if we wanted anything else, i was about to say we had enough but was interrupted by my dad asking to see the dessert menu. Ugh, okay...i'll just look at it. But i won't order anything. Next thing i know i'm asking for the New York cheese cake with a Biscotti Toddy to wash that down. Maybe that's not what the dirnk was called but its has to be close. i was expecting a regular slice of cheese cake. Like a slice that comes out of the box from the cheese cake factory. But no, they don't roll that way at Romano's. The slice of cheese cake looked like it came from a giant cheese wheel. It had to be like 5 inches tall. i had my doubts...yeah right, i always finish what's on my plate. i was so full though, i thought i was going to explode. i didn't even feel like drawing on the table anymore.
Everything at Romano's was pretty good. But now asi write this, i don't know if the chicken and shrimp that was in my dish had been sitting out for too long or if someone in the kitchen failed to wash their hands when preparing my meal, i find myself visiting the bathroom more frequently than usual. i think i'm going to eat at home for the next couple days. Hopefully have some better luck eating out in California.
So there was a lunar eclipse tonight. i'm not cool enough to have a telescope with a camera or anything, so my 5.1 mega pixel Fuji Film FinePix digital camera will just have to do. The moon looked pretty cool, a nice shade of red and orange. Now i wish i had a telescope. All my friends had one when i was younger...i guess i just wasn't cool enough.
As many people know, i was born in Saudi Arabia. But what most do not know was my life as a jockey.
As you would expect, there is not a whole lot to do in the hot sands of Arabia. There were like 2 channels on tv that were in english. Most of the time they aired documentaries. Like the life of a seal or hermit crab, good times. My house was located on the perimeter of the compound and when you step out of the front door and looked to the right, two blocks and there was the endless desert.
It was a crappy desert too. None of the fun soft sand you see in that Disney movie Aladdin, it was hard sand almost felt like there was concrete underneath a thin layer of sand. No cool desert animals to be seen either. But i still spent most of my time in the desert. i found a pond while i was out there but it was fenced in. Turned out it was treated sewage. Good thing it was fenced in or i would have found myself in there somehow. Smelled pretty nasty.
While i was wondering one day, i spotted something. Looked like a mouse, but was hoping and had a fuzz ball on the end of its tail. Being a 12 year old boy i had to catch it. i chased it for a good 30 minutes and finally cornered him by some rocks...Then i heard something...
It was Saudis. Before i said a word they knocked me out. When i came to i had a cloth bag of my head that smelled of manure and i was riding in back of a truck. i was kidnapped to be trained to be a Camel Jockey...the living conditions were horrible. i lived in a traditional Bedouin tent and lived off of camel's milk and goat. Occasionally we'd get to snack on scorpions that have been roasted. It wasn't fun riding the camels either. i lost most of the races, i blame the camel...he didn't like me.
Luckily that life came to an end. The Saudi Government realized that kids were being kidnapped to be used as jockeys and the only reasonable thing to do to end that was to put in a new law. To ban the use of human jockeys and to use robots instead. After months of living as a camel jockey i was released.
All i was given was a dagger, some flint, and a hunting hawk. i named the hawk wilson. took awhile to figure out how to use him but i was catching lizards in no time. i would camp out by an oasis if i could find one and cook me some scorpions and lizards for meals. i used the smoke from a particular plant to keep myself from smelling horribly. Eventually i found a major road and hitch hiked a ride back home. That is the story of my camel jockey days.
Okay...none of that happened, but they do use robots for camel jockeys.
Hanging out at my desk right now, doing nothing productive...and i hear it. Foot steps, probably belong to more mice. i'm too lazy to do anything creative, so i'll just set another trap that's been lying around...but in two days if i don't catch anything then i'll break out the big guns.
Its been suggested that i get a can of hairspray and a lighter. i've done that before, to take care of a wasp nest that was on the outside of the house next to a worked wonders. The next went up in flames and as the wasps tried to escape their wings have all ready been melted and they dropped from the nest. Like the nest was having bowel movements, but on fire.
That was great fun, but what i didn't account for was how easily the plastic around the light would catch on fire...the fun was soon over and i quickly put it out. And that was the time i lit the house on fire.
Five days in the primary fermenter and time to rack into the carboy. The specific gravity this time was 1.004. Pretty good to see, plus the thing just reeked of yeast and CO2 and whatever else is produced kicking my nostrils in the nuts.
Woot, just 26 days until bottling now! Ugh that seems like a long time. i'll probably have to buy another wine rack if another batch is done.
i'm waiting for the day i really half-ass the cleaning and some bacteria just ruins my wine and turns it into vinegar. Thankfully that hasn't happened yet. i really do hate cleaning everything but looks like i've been doing a good job so far. Well, i guess i'll just have to taste the wine to really know.