Hello Moon
Saw the moon today at like 2pm. What's up with that? i was bored one time and heard this crazy story about the moon and the sun on tv. Some chick living with her dad was hanging out and the sun was checking her out. But he could only come down to earth as a mosquito or something like that and then get a human body...kind of fuzzy on that part watched when i was like 12 years old. The father found out about him hanging out with is daughter so the next time he visited her daughter and turned into a mosquito to return to the sky...SLAM! Killed him...or something...and he was stuck in the sky as the sun...
The daughter was devastated...cried a whole bunch...so what did she do? Pretty much what any other person would do, she went to the ocean with a net and asked the fish to fly her up to the sky to be with the sun...and she became the moon....lemon, so the moon chases the sun all day and night but are never together...okay i probably just made up half that story but that has to be close to how it went down. Whoever came up with this story must of been on crack....
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