The most frustrating part about being in Vermont is the lack of cell phone reception. i saw plenty of towers out there but apparently not for at&t. The only people that got service out there were Verizon and Sprint. Of course the four of us sharing the room all had at&t.
Mike was slow getting out though so it was just manthan, rich, and i. We took the lift all the way to the summit but once up there rich left us for some skiers. Some friend he is. It was just manthan and i on the Long John trail. We tried going down the trail the day before but there are a lack of signs for it and we soon got off it and ended up on a diamond...manthan wanted to go down it but i like not falling so i took an easier trail and he soon followed.
The reason we didn't stay on Long John is because part of it goes up hill for like 80 yards...and there is no way for a snowboarder to get enough speed to go through it. So we unbuckled and walked it. It was nice because there wasn't a single person on that part of the trail. We decided to make snow angels.

The bus ride home seemed to take forever, much longer than the ride up. Probably because of the traffic or because of the selection of movies (Bridge to Terabithia and Underdog). We stopped at a rest stop to get some food. It was either Nathan's or Roy Rogers...i should have gotten Nathan's. Corn dogs are delicious. i could fill a bath tub with corn dogs and swim in it. Without the sticks of course, that would just be silly if the sticks were still on them.
As always i wasn't sure what to order. i ended up getting the Gold Rush Chicken meal, a bacon cheese burger, and a fish sandwich.

After dinner we got on the bus for 3 more hours. Got back to the Ski Shop at around 10pm to be welcomed by a wind chill of 6 degrees. Quickly started my car, grabbed my bags, and got out of there for the 50 minute drive home. Ugh i was so tired. i'm going to be sore in the morning.
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