After getting dressed, we all got our boards and skis and headed towards the lift. My only goal for the day was to not fall after getting off the lift, well at least for the first 10 feet. Which i managed and then gracefully fell to strap in my other boot.
rich soon got bored of us and skied on this own since mike has never been snowboarding and manthan and i are just awful. i think my only problem is that i'm not able to do 'linked turns' or whatever its called making "S's" down the mountain and i'm constantly just tiring myself out slowing myself down with the edge of my board.
Here is the view from our room...

My knee was bothering me though so maybe it was a good idea to call it a day early. Had a buffet for dinner and then talked to some of the parents on the trip. At least they looked like parents. The one guy we talked to was telling us how he watches G4 (gaming network) and how he owns a PS3, Wii, and XBox 360. He has a theater in the basement where he plays all his games on and spends more time on them than his kids. Apparently he has a crazy sounds system and can shake a glass of water in his bedroom two floors up. He snowboards too, i didn't know people over 45 did that. After dinner we soon went to the bar to play more cards. Again i lost, i was the first one out too. i'm so bad at that game...
After a bit we headed back to the room to drink more booze and invited two of the dads on the trip over. Of course they talked most of the time telling how good it was 'back in the day' where you could walk in a bar with your dad's license with a high school jacket on and buy a case. They even drove around with a quarter keg in the back seat tapped cruising around town. If a cop pulled them over they would just dump out the beer and followed home and that was it...crazy.
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