Did Not Get Enough Sleep...
i was woken up the next day around 10am. i was so tired, not sure how i managed to not take a nap. i had to get showered and dressed, and make my way to the front of the library because it would soon be time for our class pictures. A bunch of kids from my class didn't spend the night at the school, they went to Lee's house or something where it was nice and air conditioned.
After the photos, some more people showed up that i haven't seen for awhile. Like the spanish kid jorge.
The day was so tiring, a bunch of kids took naps. Around 1pm brad, brian, and i decided to throw a baseball for an hour in the 90 degree heat. i wasn't thinking when i put on a dark blue shirt, i was roasting...brad and brian took their shirts off, i'm not as sexy as they are so i kept mine on. i also had that bad sunburn and did not want to further the pain i was suffering.
After throwing the ball around brian and brad bounced to look around the campus. At 3pm the alumni sports started. The choices were water polo, tennis, and baseball. Since i can't swim or hit a tennis ball i signed up for the baseball. By this time it was like 99 degrees out and my arm was shot. i coudn't even swing a bat. It was just brad and i covering the outfield which was just ridiculous. i was running back and forth after every hit.
After the sports were done, headed back to the dorm and showered to get ready for the cocktail party. i just realized i failed to take any pictures of myself. Which was probably a good thing.
i have never seen so much free booze in my life. There were four bars...i mostly had rum and cokes and vodka tonics. Occasionally a manhattan and eventually ended up with whatever the bartender would give me because it all tasted the same after a certain point.
This is jamie's cell phone, he said he has had it for over five years...and after looking at it i believe him.
Alex passed out in one of the chairs, pat thought it would be fun to flip him out of it...alex ended up busting his head on the asphalt. It was still kind of funny...something you would see on jackass.
Here you can see the damage, we wiped most of the blood off his forehead and the bleeding stopped pretty quickly.
Over all it was a pretty tame night compared to the one prior. The next day i was hurting though and i needed some food. A bunch of us headed to Little It's for some pizza, apparently thats where we all hung out back in the day...but i only remember going there twice. i guess i wasn't one of the cool kids. It was a pretty good weekend, can't wait for the next reunion...but next time i'm going to make everyone arrive on time.
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