My family celebrated father's day the day before, we're pretty gangsta that way...the reason was because michelle was leaving Sunday afternoon, alright that's not very gangsta. For dinner we hit up the Hong Kong King Buffet again. Interesitng, thats where we went for Mother's Day. It was my mom's choice of course. We've been hitting the buffets a lot lately. i don't eve like going out to eat, i just want a small plate of nutritional food with a glass of crystal light. i know, something must be wrong with me...
But despite what i'd rather have, not going to stop me from stuffing my face. i just need to remember to stay away from the starches...they're too filling. i did pretty well on the first plate. i love those chinese dumplings. i even broke out the crab least i thought it was crab ragoon, the little label said it was but it tasted like cream cheese. i also got 'chicken on a stick'and some popcorn shrimp.
dano and acacia always get the onion rings...
my sister michelle is notorious for her love of crab. So both my mom and dad hooked her up. The buffet line is ridiculous. People will steal the tongs so no one else can get the crab legs when they come ridiculous, there needs to be like a buffet police or something, with tazers.
i tried to switch it up a little bit on my second plate. The egg rolls were pretty awful i guess other people would think they're alright but i have been spoiled by my moms super delicious egg rolls...nothing comes close to those. i ran out of room on my plate, but i really wanted the 'coconut shrimp' i just put that ontop. Turned out that was a bad mistake, made half the stuff on my plate tasted like coconut milk...big noob mistake i know, i should have known better.
i just wasn't on top of my game that day, i was pretty full after the second plate. i did however leave a little room for some sushi and wasabi. i'm not a big fan of soy sauce, there is only one thing i'll eat with it which is dumplings, so i didn't do the cool thing where you mix ginger, wasabi, and soy sauce in a little dish and dip your sushi in it. i just past the wasabi all over the side of the sushi so i get that burning sensation in my nose. i hate it but love it at the same time...maybe i should see a doctor about that.
Gabe was very happy after the meal. He was so good, i only heard him once during the whole me and that was he said,"HIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII!" when GP walked in to sit down for dinner. He loved the fortune cookies, got a whole bunch of them in his hat.
its always a good time to stick your tongue out for a picture...
i was eager to get home as i had a super awesome party to go to. My roommate from freshman year was throwing his last party at his house before moving out. i've never been to one but apparently they're pretty hip, so i had to make it to this one. Unfortunately i forgot my camera in michelle's car. So i don't have pictures documenting the domination that occured with me and manthan at the pong table.
Apparently this is what happens when i leave my camera in michelle's hands...

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