Toga, Toga, Toga!
Picked up matt at the airport. He had flown into Houston or was it Dallas...We'll just say Texas, then he went to Pittsburg, then philly to hang out with me before going back to Saudi! Just happened to have a toga party to go to on the day of his arrival. For a toga i did a little research, ended up going to a fabric store to get 12 yards of fabric for two togas. One toga in blue, and the other in white. i was going to wear the white one but ended up going with blue...i wouldn't say blue is my favorite color, but i some how always ended up picking it...maybe it is my favorite color.
On the way to the party we ran into matin, my landlord my senior year. Little weird having a landlord that is younger than you and parties like a rock star, a Iranian rock star. He always wore tight shirts, and this encounter was no different. He said that the shirt shrunk 'accidently' in the wash...riiiiight.
Since it was a toga party and all, i brought one of my bottles of wine. The Muller-Thurgau. Everyone who tried it seemed to like it. Below is one of the hosts of the party, jules. i looked pretty pickled...
By about half way throught they party, matt just kind of gave up on his toga...
i made matt fix his toga before we got a picture taken together. My toga was pretty lame, but at least i had the fancy rope belt. i even rocked the saudi sandals...didn't get a picture of them though, you'll just have to believe that they were awesome.
john and i were pong partners the whole night, we have a fun hand shake/high five and everything...its sanitary so there isn't any actually contact. The last team played was leah and rachel. They said they were going to beat us...but i'm the pong champ! i can't lose! Of course john and i won.
Lost the toga after the beer ran out.
Another host of the party, julie.
matt and john walking back to the apartment.
matt the next day, he woke up at 1:30 PM.
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