After touring around for about an hour, i went to the courtyard to hit up the beer tasting. The company was slyfox. They had some interesting beers, though i've been drinking some crappy beers lately. So when you sip on beers that actually have flavor and taste, i get confused and takes me awhile to decide if i like it or not.
After the beer tasting, some more people from my class started showing up. We had an okay dinner, some random chicken thing and shrimp scampi. Actually it was really bad, my college had better food.
After dinner i was told there was going to be a bachelor party for one of the guys in my class, and i was invited! Woot! My second bachelor party! Here, Lee is on the phone to make sure there is beer on the bus when it picks everyone up.
Apparently Tim wasn't sure what size bus to we ended up with a couch bus for 12 guys. Could have squeezed them all in a van, but a bus is so much cooler.
Here is Drew, the bachelor...he is totally excited. He actually already had a party, but none of his high school buddies where there. You can't have too many bachelor parties.
In this picture we are waiting for the 'entertainment'. Turned out they got lost. The girls back at the reunion were kind of mad at us for leaving them. Once we left, all the older guys at the school for their 10 yr and 15 yr reunion just flocked all around them. Poor girls.
i could bore you with all the events that went on during the party, but don't worry i won't.
After the 'entertainment' left, we all headed back to the school for the after party. We missed the schools entertainment, Jimmy Keyes, which turned out to be horrible. But we were just in time for pizza and beers.
It didn't take long for some people to get sloppy. Some people should have been put to bed. We were up forever, it wasn't until i heard birds chirping that it might be time for bed at 5:30am.
One of the guys from the class of '98 rolled his car up to Wendel, Pat decided to turn up the volume on the car stereo...the guy from '98 then threw a sandal at Pat's face. So there was a little fight between the class of '03 and '98. Don't worry, i wasn't involved...just watched. But if i did get involved, i would have thrown scissor kicks and round house kicks like no body's business. No one got hurt though and Pat and the sandal guy because friends...Pat even got a free pair of sandals. They were really nice too, better than rainbows.
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