Monday, June 2, 2008

Just Gotta Have Your Kreteks

Two days ago brent talked me into hitting up the karaoke bar again. This time though he brought Alexis for her first time. It is kind of fun seeing peoples' first impressions of karaoke night at Mariano's Tavern.

i decided to take my bike to the bar, not because i had a crazy urge to take the bike out...mainly because i did not have any gas in my car, but also mainly because you do feel a little cooler on a motorcycle.

As always brent orders something to eat. He usually gets something crazy like a monster burger or tuna on a long roll. But this time he just ordered a lame regular cheese burger, and mozzarella sticks of course. He offered me some mozzarella sticks, it was hard to say would have just gone straight to my thighs.
Its all fun and games until brent breaks out his cloves. Sure i guess his cool factor goes up when there is smoke coming out of his mouth and nose, and the cloves do kind of smell nice...but it doesn't matter where i sit, my clothes always wreak of cloves the next day. Usually i can wear a shirt two or three times before it hits the wash...but not after a night of brent smoking his cloves. You would think they might be healthier than regular cigarettes...but no, they're not.
The only way i get up on the mic is if i drink ridiculous amounts. Since i was on my bike, i just milked one beer so there was no singing for this guy. i've been trying to get brent to sing a song but looks like if i want that to happen it'll have to be a duet. Alexis on the other hand didn't even need a drink to hit the stage. Though i could barely hear her sing, but what i did hear sounded good...but i forget what song it was.

'Bob' sang, Bodies by Drowning Pool i believe...or something like it. It was pretty ridiculous...i seriously need to record him sometime and upload it, it is priceless.

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