Breakfast was pretty sweet this morning. Quality Inn (not so quality) busted out the cheese omlettes, breakfast burritos, and waffles! Of course it wasn't that good but definitely better than nothing.
While on the road we got a glimpse of some mountains. Click to enlarge..
While going on some random road in the middle of no where, i came across this sign...i thought it was a joke.
But later down the road we saw there was a school looking building and there was a school bus. Didn't look like the bus was running though.
My dad and uncle floyd just love taking pictures...
More mountains..
Windmills are everywhere out here. i wish i had a windmill. Save some money on electric.
These things are huge.
Getting close to Salt Lake City we got on to this country road that led us through some tiny towns and took us by a lake. After finally arriving at our hotel, uncle floyd bounced to get some information on Salt Lake City and after he came back we got a tour of Mormon Temple grounds. We were told all the tour guides were of the ages of 21-24. Not sure why they would tell us that... The 'tour' was pretty lame. More like an attempt to make me mormon. On the brightside, the buildings are pretty cool and the tabernacle has a pretty sick organ in it.
For dinner we hit up the Red Rock Restaurant where they have some microbrews.
i ordered the shrimp scampi thing it was a pasta dish because it usually is but it was just shrimp. Once i saw the waitress come out with it i knew it wasn't going to fill me up so half way through the dish i orderd a reuben.
After dinner we walked off our buzz a bit before hoping on our bikes to go back to the hotel.
What's up with all the Mormon stuff? And shrimp scampi with no pasta?! What the ??????
Johnny Utah - I have, er I mean had a big crush on him. Keanu rocks! :)
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