Snap! We did a million things today. As usual we went to the gas station and filled up. Saw a crazy trailer with a blown out tire and took a picture. Saw another trailer (for horses) with a blown out tire pulling two horses around! Some gangsta cowboy that didn't even care. But he was just moving the horses a mile to eat some shrubs by the interstate so i guess it wasn't a big deal.
Our first stop was another ghost town...ugh, how many of these are there!?? The town was about 50 miles from where we were and the town, Glenrio, sits directly on the border of New Mexico and Texas. i believe the town population never exceeded 30 people and a had a good amount of business from tourists, not anymore of course.
The first couple buildings were a house and a diner. Didn't really explore them since they had a "No Trespassing" and a "Beware of Dog" sign on the property. i even heard a dog barking. Sounded like a small dog but you can't never be too sure.
Glenrio house on the New Mexico side...
On the Texas side of Glenrio we checked out an abandoned motel. All the rooms were trashed and there was all kind of random stuff in of them being poop....lots of poop. At least it wasn't human poop that would just be sick. But the little rabbit pellet poop kept me out of some rooms. Maybe this was an animal motel? Animals that don't want to live the wild just live it up in a motel room? Could happen.
Found a jazzercize cup. My mom did jazzersize back in the day. She gave me a jazzercize shirt one time in third grade...wore it to school and all the kids made fun of me...
Some of the last rooms i checked out were 'clean' compared to the poop ones. Even had carpet on the ground!
All the rooms were connected too. Kind of weird...looked like the walls were smashed down.
i found another couch! Didn't sit on this one though...looked like i'd get a disease from it if i did...
In the 'lobby' looking building for the motel there was a paper saying the owner was late on loan payments. Like 150,000 bones of 250,000 bones or something. Another book was about calculating personal taxes. So i'm guessing from those two things this guy was broke.
Also this guy was obviously a witch that practiced sin based on this broom..
After further exploring, not only was he wa witch but he was a witch that had defaulted on his loans and on his spare time he made mix tapes from vinyls. Its the only possibility, you can't deny it.
Some cactus. You know you can eat this stuff? Just peel of the skin and cut out the spike thingies and you're good to go!
Finally we saw something that wasn't a ghost town, the Cadillac Ranch! Its located just outside Amarillo, Texas. Its not really a ranch...just a field with Cadillac cars buried front end first into the ground...but still cool?
There are ten cars...spray painted all kinds of colors.
Crazy yo!
Brent was here?
Of course the three of us spray painted the cars. Now everyone that passes by will know we were there...until someone else spray paints over our names.
The stop of the day had to be the Big Texan. Supposedly the best steaks anywhere. They have a deal that if you can eat a 72oz steak, a potato, salad, three cocktail shrimp, and a dinner roll your meal is free. If not you dish out 72 bones including tax.

Of course stupid me though i could do it under their one hour time limit. No one else would. There is like a 16% success rate. The oldest person to do it was a 69 year old women and the youngest was an 11 year old boy. If you do the challenge you have to sit at a special table so that everyone can see you and you're broadcasted on a live feed on their website. Unfortunately it wasn't working today. i got this right?
Nope, i failed miserably. i could only eat 62.7 ounces (3.9 lbs) and i ran out of time. My downfall was that i chew my food where you should just swallow it after a few chomps into the meat. After about 40 ounces of steak you don't even want to look at cow anymore. Didn't help that i just had a deep fried steak the night before either. If i were to do this i'd have to actually train. i think i'm just going to have a salad for the rest of the trip...
Babo was lovin' watching me suffer.
About 70 miles down the road and a vomit later we checked out some more abandoned buildings such as this old school gas station.
Our next top was a Phillips 66 gas station that had been restored. It was the first gas station in Texas in the 1920s and operated for about 50 years. They said it was restored but the windows are fake and the doors are just nailed on boards with door knobs attached to them...kind of lame if you ask me.
Finally we get to hour Sleep Inn hotel in Shamrock, Texas. The place was named after an irish immigrant back in the day. When we parked our bikes were were attacked by cats. Like 5 of them and one of them didn't have a tail. For some reason the one without the tail kept rubbing up against me. Probably because he could relate to me since i did not have a tail either. At least i don't think i have a tail...haven't looked recently.
Who knows where we are going tomorrow? i sure don't. Hopefully somewhere around Tulsa, Oklahoma. Ugh, i think have protein poisoning...and i need a shower...why did i agree to go on this trip?!
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