Ogallala Wha Wha?
It is so depressing when i unpack at each motel/hotel/lodge/inn we go to because i know i'm going to back everything back up and hit the road again the next day. i need some down time...like some time in the hot tub or sauna. i guess i could jump in one of those right when we check into a place but i'm so tired at that point i'd just pass out and drown. Well i wouldn't drown in a sauna but something bad would happen if i passed out in one..
Today's ride was a little boring. Just endless straight road of the Lincoln highway. i didn't mind it too much until it started to rain. Rain in 55 degree weather is not very fun especially when you have crappy riding gloves that don't keep your hand dry.
After riding in rain for a bit we finally pulled into a gas station to get some cover from the rain while uncle floyd and i put one some rain gear. You meet some interesting people on the road. It seems that being on a motorcycle draws more attention than if you were traveling by car. This older guy came up to my dad and i and told use that he use to have a harley that was very small and only a few of its model were produced so if he had kept it, it would have been worth over 30k bones. But he sold it before it appreciated because his wife made him after had gotten in a pretty bad accident. He said it was so bad that he lost all his finger nails, toe nails, and a kidney. Looked like his nails grew back...
The older guy also told us that riding west of Ogallala is dangerous because there are a lot of powerful cross winds that are known to tip over 'high profiled' vehicles. Can't wait for that!
Here are the bikes covered in cold rain..
My dad and uncle floyd like to take a lot of breaks, must be an old person thing. The one stop we made today was at this tiny mini mart in the middle of nowhere. The population was probably under 300. What do these people do for fun?? Tip cows over? Count grain? i'll never know...
Oh! A different Lincoln Highway sign in Nebraska! Just had to get a picture of it. Should really start a drinking game wth these things..
We had the old brick road yesterday and today we found a bridge! The cool thing about the bridge is that it was restored by a boy scout troop! i'm a boy scout! (technically an eagle scout..) Okay, maybe that only seems interesting to me.
i guess you're wondering how we got this picture. Well, i have my fancy camera mount on my motorcycle handle bars, so i put the camera on that and pointed it at the bridge. The only problem was that the road and the bridge were a good ways apart. So i set the 10 second timer on the camera and booked it to the bridge to join uncle floyd and my dad. While running towards them i almost face planted into the muddy wet grass but saved myself with my cat-like reflexes and made it in time before the picture was taken.
me trying to entertain myself..
Around 250 miles from Columbus we finally made it to Ogallala. We found our Comfort Inn, unpacked, and headed out for dinner. Even though we went to a steak house the day before we decided to hit up another one today. The place of choice was either the Golden Spur for Front Street. We went with Front Street mostly because it go better reviews on Google.
Pretty fake rustic looking place...makes you want to be a cowboy.
Another deciding factor was that the place not only had a free museum....but a petrified rock gallery!
Mountain Oysters?!?!?
They had Mountain Oysters for a starter so we had to get that...Uncle Floyd was the first one to eat them.
Turns out that bull testicles have the same texture as oysters...just bigger...and the more you think about what you're eating, the more you want to vomit. So i did my best not to think about round hanging objects. i actually liked the mountain oysters a lot. The only problem was that they were fried and you can only eat so many or else you'll get sick from the fattening fried batter.
For dinner i decided to out do myself from the previous night and get the 16 oz ribeye with a side of grilled veggies, and mashed potatoes.The gravy was ridiculously good. White gravy is so different from what i'm use to. As for the steak, it had a little too much fat on it but i guess that's what you get from a cow raised in the states. But over all the steak was very good.
While being seated uncle floyd caught a glimpse of the dessert menu which featured a strawberry rhubarb pie. Couldn't pass that up so we each ordered that with our complimentry scoop of ice cream on top. The pie was a lot different from other rhubarbs i've had since the rubarb wasn't really cooked...pretty much tasted raw but still delicious.
Walked outside to head back to the hotel when i was greeted by this dog in the back of a pick up truck. He was a little cuter in person than the this picture but very friendly. Ugh i wish i had a dog...sniff.
On the way back to the hotel my dad wanted to take a detour to snag some pictures of some old buildings...i'd post them but they're really boring pictures, more so than the ones i've already posted. Ugh i'm so tired, peace out.
1 comment:
1. Looks like you should have worn one of the 30 pairs of rubber gloves like Mom told you to. . . she's crazy but she's sometimes right.
2. Um, mountain oysters. Ewwwwwwww.
3. You should so get a dog. Like a real one.
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