Ahh, sleeping in that queen size bed was awesome. i didn't want to leave. The hotel room was pretty cheap too. Since the breakfast at the Econo Lodge was pretty weak we decided to go out for breakfast to get some real food in our stomachs.
Note to self, never let my dad navigate/lead ever. i believe he asked the guy at the front desk for the best place to get some breakfast. His answer...Perkins. Are you serious? A chain? He couldn't think of a little family diner or something??
i'm not sure how but we ended up riding around for 10 miles looking for this place as a result of my dad trying to find the place. He said this Perkins was next to a Hamptons Inn but turned out it was next to a Holiday Inn. Ugh, stuff like this drives me nuts.
i got the craziest thing on the menu, the Steak House Scrambler. Basically a bunch of suff mixed together. i believe some of the stuff was steak, eggs, potatoes, and mushrooms.
While riding we saw some antelope. i pulled over to take a picture of them but they ran off before i could get a shot. Almost as if they knew i was trying take a picture. Stupid antelope. As a result of me pulling over i got pretty behind uncle floyd and my dad. i was stopped for about 5 mintues and they were traveling at like 70 mph.
The road was pretty much straight...not a car in sight...and i had some ground to cover. The perfect oppurtunity to see what my bike could do. So i pull back the throttle as far as it will go. 60...70...80...90...101mph, and that's it. i get this massive bike and all it can do is 101 mph?! i was going to take a picture but i'm sure i'd wipe out or something. i guess my bike is no speed demon. Then again, i did have the massive windshield on and 50 lbs of gear. Maybe if i loss those i could get the speed up. Some other time i guess.

Cows or something...
Not sure what the big deal was with this town but we stopped to take a picture of Medicine Bow. Population of 274 and elevation of 6353 feet. Crazy yo. 
Mountains and junx..
Life is a highway?
Ah ha! Got me some antelope!! How do you like em' apples?!
Coming in for a refueling, uncle floyd spotted a fellow Goldwing rider pushing his bike on the shoulder of the road. Uncle floyd then pulled over to see if he could help him out. Gave him a ride about half a mile or so to the gas station where they guy then borrowed a gas tank. My dad gave him a ride bike to his bike and he brought it into the gas station to fill up. Turned out he was on his way to California from Montana. Two guys talked to us at the gas station asking a whole bunch of questions about our bikes. They had some crazy accents so i could barely understand them...just kind of smiled and knodded like my dad does.
We took this crazy dirt road right before reaching Rock Springs. Turned out we didn't have to take the road to reach the "ghost town". Not so much a town as it was really an outpost or station.
We got off our bikes to take a look around. By the ruins there was a skeleton of some crazy animal. Most likely a cow. Almost looked fake or staged. The cold/heat (i don't really know anymore) was getting to me so i decided to wear the cow pelvis bone as a hat...
We finally made it into Rock Springs, UT. This is probably the worst town we've been to so far. There is nothing here. Also the people at our hotel, Quality Inn, were ridiculous. Gave us a bunch of crap about how they couldn't give us a discount and they wanted our license plate numbers. It was pretty ridiculous. Though they did have complimentary drinks between 5-7pm. Coors and Budlight and you're limited to two drinks...What kind of deal is that?!? If i have to drink horrible beer i'm going to drink a lot of it until i can't feel feelings anymore. So we didn't take advantage of this spectacular opportunity.
For dinner we decided to hit up another micro brew. But when we arrived to the place it was closed. Because it was Sunday....Lame.
Our second choice was mexican.
i had the Mole Enchiladas.
i believe uncle floyd notice this gas station company before i did...just, wrong.
Salt Lake City tomorrow!
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