Thursday, April 3, 2008

Joining the Work Force

Its been a good time for my uncles and aunts here since they've made their move here to the States. It took awhile to get their actual green cards in the mail, but after a few weeks they have all gotten them. The next step was their driver's license. Which turned out to be a little bit more of a hassle then we thought it would be. Both my uncles have been behind the wheel several times in Vietnam...but the driving etiquette over there is a little different than over there and traffic lights are kind of new to them.

My dad was hoping the wouldn't pass the driver's test on the first try as that would probably make them cocky on the road and not be as alert as they should be. That definitely wasn't going to be a problem. Uncle Tam took the driving test 4 times and Uncle Lien 3 times. It didn't help that they don't speak any english and a couple of the people administrating the tests were old grumpy men that probably don't pass anyone they don't like.

The next thing on the list was to get them jobs. They filled out a couple applications at some factories and where all the hip Vietnamese work...and as of today they all have jobs except Uncle Lien, only because he has TB. That can be remedied with a not from the hospital saying that his stage of TB is no longer contagious and then there is nothing stopping him from working at the Meat Processing Plant. But the other three will start work on Monday! i bet they are so relieved they have something to do now.

Ha, i bet you all thought that i had gotten a job when you read the title of this post...yeah right.

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