Too bad aunt chelle wasn't here, she could have shown sarah her signature spinning tire swing of death ride...

After breakfast we headed back home and i did a little writing. Around 2:30pm my dad and i met up with Jaffer to have him show us the media stuff aramco has to work with. it was pretty sweet seeing a dual quad core 3.0 GHz Mac Pro render a movie in 2 seconds...i'm a dork i know.
After the extensive tour of everything media for aramco, i caught the bus back to DH hoping that i could get to play in a softball game later that night.

To top that off, i wasn't able to play in the softball game because i was not on the roster. LEMON! So i was stuck watching matt and jon play. At least i got to see matt fall flat on his face when batting. He hit the ball to short or something and slipped and did a belly flop onto home plate. He tried getting up and fell again. It was pretty hysterical. i was so close to catching it on video too.
After the game i headed home and grabbed a shower, and got a call from jon that there was another shin dig going down. While out i got to meet a new girl, Kay. British...matt told me to watch out of the single British secretaries that are in saudi, they're all gold diggers according to him. i wonder if he has experienced this first hand. But they are tricksters that's for sure. After having a few drinks, we hit up KFC. We entered on the family half since we had a lady with us. But i had to break the seal, and there isn't a mens bathroom in the family section. So i went over to the men's side. While in the bathroom, a short saudi said hello to me. i said hello back and then he said,"can i ask you something? next time you are out can you cover up your woman?".
WHAT? i wasn't quite sure how to respond to that. Especially in the state i was in. But i was more than kind in replying,"oh yeah! next time...you won't even see a single spec of her skin." Then he bounced, probably got a scent of my breath or something. After i told the gang what just happened, chris said i should have responded with,"what are you doing looking at my woman?" snap, should have thought of that. Kay and i then had a Zinger eating contest. Of course i won, but matt ate my fries....and everyone ganged up on me and said that i had lost because i did not eat my fries. Its the ZINGER eating contest, not the Zinger and FRIES eating contest! Ugh, you think you have friends...and they just stab you in the back. Bastards...
1 comment:
What?!?! A hobby farm with no horses? NARF! And get it right, the "spinning tire swing of death ride" is called the "hurricane spin of death" (copyrights pending).
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