It was such a mess getting our visas. My dad couldn't schedule a flight for me to leave on the same day as them, so he got the next flight available which was the day after. Since he wanted us to all fly together he went ahead and moved his and my mom's scheduled flgihts to that day as well, which costed like a million bones. The next dilemma that occured was that our visas did not get processed in time so we had to move the flights back another week costing another million bones. Lemon.
As i have said before my mom is nortorious for packing unbelievable amounts of food when she travels. British Airways weight quota for suitcases is still 70 lbs/32 kg. Since my dad and i travel pretty light we let my mom use one of each of our two suitcases to pack stuff. She had four suitcases, a total of 280 lbs of storage...and she still asked me if could pack a few things in my own suitcase because she didn't have any room...ridiculous. The items in her bags ranged from surgary cereal and rice noodles to 20lb pieces of frozen prime rib. What a nut.
After doing all the fun checking in and stuff, i finally felt like i could relax when i found my seat at the the bulk head next to the exit...until i realized not even four feet from, there was a couple with what looked like a 2 yr old and another baby that looked just a few months old. Of course if one of them was quiet the other was freaking out and crying...seems like there is always a crying baby when i travel overseas.
Since the drinks are free on the flight i told myself i was going to ridiculously drunk to numb the pain that was from the tag team of the two cry babies...but all i had was a little bottle of wine. i spent most of the flight watching The Kite Runner, which was pretty good, and The Water Horse. The water horse movie was pretty lame, it was basically Free Willy but with scottish people and a plesiosaur instead of an orcinus orca.
From the flight from UK to Bahrain i slept most of the time. At least as much as i could since i was sitting next to my dad this time and his snores were shaking my chair.
My oldest sister was suppose to meet us at the Airport but she wasn't there when we got out of customs. We waited for about 15 minutes before my dad went an purchased a phone card to call her. But for some reason he couldn't get the card to work, and when he did get a hold of her the phone was about 45 minutes of waiting around we finally met up with my sister and her driver she had hired. If you didn't know already, women are not allowed to drive in Saudi Arabia...what a wonderful law.
After all the bags were stuck in the mini van we all decided to get something to eat at Senor Pacos. Its pretty much a tradition we go to this place whenever we are in Bahrain. Of course none of us knew how to get there. My dad thought he knew...but he didn't. We went around circles for like 30 minutes. Cheri was trying to talk us into going to another mexican place that she likes better, because its cleaner, the food is better, and the music is more professional...Cheri please, i don't care if Senor Pacos only serves poop on a stick...i'm going there to get a frozen margarita and a free hat. Actually i was kind of curious about the other mexican restuarant...maybe i'll hit that up when i leave.
Didn't get into Dhahran until 10 something...i was welcomed by my sister's three cats. She only had one cat before...but then realized her cat, Saudi, could die any day now so she got another cat, Sushi. She then 'cat sat' or something and ended up keeping her, Siagon, too. In my book you just have to be single and have more than 2 cats to be considered a crazy cat lady.
i took some pictures but i'm kind of too lazy to upload them on this unfamiliar computer and crop them and all that fun stuff right now. But maybe later i'll add some photos to this post since my writing is less than entertaining. Peace peace in the middle east.
Here is the stall i used in the philly airport...not sure why i took a picture, i was kind of tempted to write on the wall, because everyone else was doing it.

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Hope everything is going well :)
So did you hear that spambots can now break these CAPTCHA security things? whacky
i really like your recent blogs... seems like now that you have things to do your forgetting about the millions that depend on your boredom so we can read your blog each day....
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