More Food and Shopping
The next day, always on the move. A lot of pictures taken on this day. Again my mom wanted to go into Khobar to get some more shopping done. i went to a few souvenir stores, all i ended up getting a were a couple of signs and t shirts. Below are some more pics of Al-Khobar.

No matter where you go in the world you can't get away from fast food, or Krispy Kreme donuts...
For an afternoon snack we stopped by the Latif Bakery again. Here is a picture of the delicious Zatar bread. Mmmmm, i could go for one right now.
For lunch we had one of my youngest sister's favorite. Chicken Pepitos, or was it steak pepitos? It was something pepitos and i'm sticking to that. So simple but so good. We ordered five.
The only thing missing from this meal was a Vimto and Lion Bar for dessert...
i know matt enjoyed his chicken pepitos.
i use to go to his house once a week for cub scouts. The Den leader was this Scottish/Irish (i have no idea) women Mrs. Kelly. i was the only one from her Den to achieve Eagle Scout, but she had already died from cancer by the time i had acquired it, sniff, but i know she would have been proud. She lived for scouting until her boys went off to boarding school.
One of the many changes back here is the wall that was built around the elementary and jr. high schools. Its so depressing, makes the school look like a prison. So unnecessary, at least i think so.
Wasn't long until we made another trip into Khobar, and the first stop was the Golden Juice for some fresh delicious shawarmas! The guy even recognized my mom and she hasn't been back to this place for about 3 years. This guy is good, he could out shawarma any one. Oh man, if you've never had one of these you have no idea what you're missing.
In this picture below we have the steak shawarma, but chicken is where its at. But once and awhile switch it up to beef but rarely.
At the Golden Juice they also have juice! How about that!? i always get the pomegranate juice. This is real pomegranate juice. None of this pasteurized chemical induced pom stuff that they sell in the states, thats just sick nasty.
We ordered 10 shawarmas, and another 10 to bring home to Cheri. Except Cheri gets them without tomatoes and pickles. Which is just silly, people that don't eat tomatoes are so weird.
My mouth is watering just looking at this picture...
Golden Juice even has a little take out window, you don't even have to go into the place to pick up a palatable shawarma.
After a fantastic dinner it was time for more shopping. i was forced to carry around a giant thing of toilet paper, matt paper towels, and my dad a large box of tissues. i have no idea why my mom buys these things for my sisters. What if they don't even like this grade of toilet paper??
One more place we had to see was the Desert Design Store. The ex pat haven for shopping. Most of the stuff is just 'junk' with a hefty price tag on it, and if you wanted any of these things you could just go to the camel market in Hufuf and find most of them items in this store for a fraction of the price or free.
Poster of the king, for some reason my dad told me to a picture of him.
1 comment:
I would give away one of my children for a steak pepitos, vimto, and lion bar. . .
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