Reminiscing the Old Sandbox
i had some free time and decided to take a stroll on old memory lane, or in my case Rahima Drive (my old streeet). While growing up there was not a lot to watch on tv, there were maybe two channels in english. Channel 3 and AFRTS. Most of the time Channel 3 played documentaries and AFRTS, sports. i did not have any video games so i found myself playing in the sandbox aka the desert.
Something about these Saudi stop signs, i love them. i should have stolen one and mount it on my wall. The desert, looks endless, though about a mile out there is a fence and you can't go any further.
Below is a picture of some water drain, for some reason i played in this crap. i'm surprised i didn't get sick more often than i did. While kids have their creeks and forests to play in, i have thorned bushes and sewage water...awesome.
i thought it would be nice to have a picture of myself while in my old play ground. There was just one problem, i was by myself. All i had was some dinky mini portable tripod that was almost worthless. Took me like a million tries to get an acceptable picture.
One of the memories i have out here is this jebel. i bunch of kids from the neighborhood and myself would walk our bikes up this thing and ride it down. i could have sworn it was bigger, must of eroded or something, yeah thats it.
Another thing i would out there was build forts, i think i built like 4 out there. But they got torn down or flooded. Bummer, but they were pretty sweet. The best one was made out of a trampoline frame that was flipped upside down. i built it with joe and aaron. We tried making a fire in it, but didn't have anything to burn, until aaron had to poop and when he was done squatting behind a rock we brought it back to the fort and lit it on fire. It burned so easily, as for the smell...less than pleasant.
One of the landmarks out here is Lake Lanhart. i probably spelled that wrong. When i was little i would go out here all the time, but i couldn't get close to the water because it was fenced off. i always wondered why, and then i found out it was more sewage. At least it looks pretty. i actually found a hole in the fence one time and crawled through but was soon yelled out and quickly bounced.
Here we have one of the many critter holes that i no idea what it belongs too. Could be a snake, lizard, scorpion, beetle, camel spider...or something deadly. i seriously should have died out here, i used to poke around these holes all the time thinking that there was no way i could get hurt. One of the cool animals i saw out there was a desert fox, blended perfectly in the sand it was pretty cool to look at. Another animal was the kangaroo mouse. The kangaroo mouse has to be the cutest thing ever, especially when it hops around. When i saw one of these guys i had to catch it. It was fast and clever, but not too fast for lazy son. i caught him and took him home. i thought i had a new pet, until my mom found out about him. She flipped out and i had to return him to the desert. i'm surprised he didn't bit me, like that mouse i caught a couple months ago...
Another hang out spot was the Spray Fields. i used to walk Daisy out there all the time. She loved walks, and i would let her run free and she would just have a blast sniffing all kinds of stuff and playing fetch. Its kind of depressing seeing the spray fields now because they don't 'spray' anymore. The water that used to keep these fields a luscious green is now used to water the golf course. Bummer. Well i guess its for a better use since the spray fields were just a product of treated sewage that needed to be sprayed somewhere.
i remember jumping in this thing...
One of they many horrible things i would do to Daisy would occur out here. When the sprinklers were spraying, i would get behind one of them and and spray the crap out of Daisy. These things were like a fire hose, and poor Daisy would just take it and get soaked. Again, not sure why i didn't get sick from playing in this water. i owe it to these sprinklers to perfecting my dance, the sprinkler.

Here you can see how nasty the untreated sewage water was. If only you could smell it, it smells horrible and i used to play in this stuff. i would come down here and catch frogs and bring them home and put them in pond in the backyard.
i used to play with this crazy plant too, and get sap all over my hands and they would be sticky for hours. Its probably poisonous or something, its probably all this water and stuff that has stunted my growth...ugh.
i spent almost an hour in the desert and it was nice. Later there was a party my mom put together at Cheri's. i missed the beginning because i had a softball game. That's right, i got put on the roster for a single game! i had a couple errors though and the team i was on got slaughtered. We lost 21 to 4 and the game only went to the 4th inning. Bummer, but on the bright side i was two of those runs and i caught one of the two pop flies that were hit to me, man i was rusty. It just so happened that when i was on jon's team, we played against matt's team.
Afterwards matt, his dad, and i headed back to the party to stuff our faces with my mom's delicious food. i forgot to take pictures but it was pretty fancy. The theme was Hawaiian, and my mom busted out a giant hamour fish (grouper) with this tomato sauce, soooo good. Later jon came over and when everyone bounced we decided to break out the hubbly bubbly again.

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