At the Bahrain Airport, one of the attractions is this boat with a water spraying on it. On the bought are these two robot men with beards and mustaches. They're always dressed differently when i come through there. Before they were wearing traditional arab clothing, thobe and gutra. Now they're decked out in Ferrari hats and shirts...nice.

While flying into london, the captain pulled the most annoying move ever. i had to go to the bathroom but figured we were going to land soon and i could just wait to go in the airport. Of course when i decided to do that...when the plane was just over the london area, he turned around and went the opposite direction to circle back again that took about 10 minutes...when the plane started heading towards the airport again, the captain too the plane for another least this circle was a little smaller than the first. Just when i was sure we were going straight to the landing strip, the plane makes this giant "S" before landing. The worst part is that the captain didn't say anything about trying stall so there would be an open landing strip for all i had to rely on was the GPS on the little LCD screen. i thought my bladder was going to time i'll hit up the lavatory on the plane.
If i had to tell someone my third home, it would probably be the London Heathrow Airport. Terminal 4 to be exact. i've been in and out of this airport so many times it might as well be another home. Its like i'm starring in my own The Terminal when i roll up in this place.
Not much has changed in this airport, everything pretty much stayed the same. Sure a few stores are and and some old ones are gone but not much more than that. i would like to know who designs the benches and seats in the airports...they are so uncomfortable. Armrests, really?? Where am i suppose to lay down and pass out!? Airport seating makes me so angry. If you look at the picture there are two seats with out an armrest in between but thats just because its where the two benches are pushed together, so maybe a little person lay down there...but i'm still left without a place to lay down. Ugh i need to find a place to sleep.

i got about two and a half hours of sleep on this bad boy. The rest of the time i played texas hold 'em on my ipod...about an hour before my plane was scheduled to leave i waited at the gate.

For the movie selection, there wasn't much to was either Lions for Lambs or PS I Love You, i was told PS I Love You would make me cry so i stuck with Lions for Lambs. It was an ok movie, not amazing but helped pass the time. i also caught a bit of the Harry Potter Behind the Scenes show and a little bit of There Will Be Blood, but i've already seen it so i didn't watch it for very long.
Since i slept for the entire flight to the UK, i was wide awake for this flight and couldn't sleep. At least that meant i could be awake for when the flight attendant came around with food and drinks! i was so pumped, i was going to get trashed or at least buzzed...i was set, ready to get obliterated...and the flight attendant asked me what i wanted...i had a whole list in my head, and the first drink i would get was a gin and tonic! Woot! Party! That was the last time she asked me what i wanted to drink...What was that all about!? They usually come around with drinks at least 3 times! Bummer. i did get wine with my meal but it seriously just tasted like watered down juice. i doubt there was any alcohol in it.

I love Terminal 4 at Heathrow! And is that Mario and Luigi on the boat at Bahrain?
Holy postings Batman - it took me like 3 hours to get caught up!
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