i forget the name of the place but it was probably the worst sports store ever. When we arrived the store had not opened yet, and when we saw an employee start to turn on the lights we headed for the door, but it was locked...and then it started to rain heavily. The one time i'm in Saudi and it rains. Turned out the automatic doors were broken and you had to pry them open with your fingers...ridiculous. i almost died too, the floor was this slick marble looking junx and i almost cracked my brain on it. If i were to buy anything from that store for a camping trip...i'd probably die because everything would have broken or fallen apart by the second day.
Cheri was going to buy these jelly looking shoes, okay they didn't really look anything like jellies...they were more like if a jellie and a croc had a baby....thats what it these shoes looked like. Anyway, she wanted to buy them but the sizes were only in the UK scale, and the people working there couldn't understand her when she asked for a sizing chart. She then asked the guy at the store if he was going to help her, he said,"no.". So we bounced to the mall.
The Mall of Dhahran was pretty nice. Cheri likes it because it doesn't have the mall rats like the other popular mall, Al-Rashid, does. i could really care less about shopping so i really just wanted to get out of there and get something to eat.
My parents called and said they wanted to hit up the Thai Restaurant. One of our favorites, but Cheri had some last minute work stuff come up and couldn't make it and asked them to bring some home for us.

After lunch we all headed to RT in the suburban. It was about an hour drive. RT is a lot smaller than DH, it only has one traffic light in the actually living area. But they do have the beach over there so everyone tries to get some beach real estate.

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