Friday, June 13, 2008


There seems to be a rabbit eating all the flowers and lilies in the garden. Coming home today my mom spotted it in the garden. Its tiny, like the size of a guinea pig, brown, with a poofy white tail. My dad and i tried to catch it. Not sure what i was thinking because in the past, whenever i would play with someone's pet gerbil, guinea pig, or rabbit...they always ended up biting me. Here i am trying to catch a wild rabbit...guaranteed to get bitten.

i ended up not catching it, it was too fast with too many bushes for it to hide in. Didn't help that my dad doesn't share the agility of a cat as i do.We should get a hunting dog, a beagle of sorts. Then that rabbit wouldn't have a chance. So frustrating, the rabbit slipped through my fingers...if i wasn't so scared of getting rabies or the black plague i would have had him. Lemon. i'll get you next time Fufucuddelypoofs.

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