Bottled the Merlot
i forget what day it was, but one of these past days brent came over to help bottle the Merlot. i could have done it by myself but i was too lazy to drive to the brew store to rent the corker and all i had to work with was that lame hand one that takes at least two people to operate.
Being bored one day i decided to read the directions that came with the siphon. Bottling was frustrating because whenever it was time to remove the siphon from a full bottle and start filling another one....i would always spill a little wine. In the wine kit there is this plastic tube with a stopper on it that i have no idea what its purpose was...After reading the instructions, read that it was to keep spilling between bottles to a minimum. )@#$&)@(*#&$)(#$&)
This plastic tube made the bottling so much easier, i didn't even spill a single drop of wine this time.
Since i always clean the bottles, i decided to make brent do it while i dried them. i really just dried a couple and let the others 'air dry'. We filled up about 28 or 29 bottles...we had a good amount of wine left in the carboy but it wasn't enough to fill a whole bottle, plus we probably would have gotten a bunch of sediment if we did. We then decided to drink it, even though we knew it would taste horrible...which it did. We each got a glass and we couldn't even finish half of it. It was disgusting. We made the most ridiculous faces whenever we took a sip...but maybe it'll taste better in a few months.
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